The Coastal Crew: Skeptical - Video

Dec 15, 2016
by Mike Levy  
Views: 71,412    Faves: 522    Comments: 24

Video By The Coastal Crew, filmed by Harookz and featuring Dylan Dunkerton and Curtis Robinson.
Photography: Harookz
Music: Look Out To See by Paul White, courtesy of One-Handed Music
Original article and more photos

Photo by Harookz
Photo by Harookz

Just in case you didn't catch it, the Coastal Crew are riding e-bikes in their latest video, fittingly titled 'Skeptical' in reference to the duo's thoughts about e-bikes in general. Take a deep breath and remain calm, Internet.

Curtis and Dylan are doing the usual Coastal Crew things in the video; the same style and amplitude are there, and a casual observer might not even notice the whirring of the motor, or even the bright green LED power light visible in some of the shots. But I can't, and I suspect that you can't either, ignore the fact that they're throwing down that familiar Coastal Crew panache with the help of some pedal assistance.

They say that you're not supposed to talk about sex, politics, religion, or fight club with people you don't know. We should probably add e-bikes to that list, as it often turns into a shitstorm of, well, shitty comments anytime the topic comes up. Judging by a recent post on his personal Instagram account, the Coastal Crew's Dylan Dunkerton found out that saying anything supportive of e-bikes is a bit like using a stick to poke a really angry bear, and your stick is way too short to be at a safe distance away from its claws. But we're going to talk about them again because everyone's favorite B.C. freeride pairing just released the above video of themselves riding e-bikes. Yeah, I'm as conflicted as you probably are.

Self-styled "pure" drivers recoil when the topic of autonomous cars comes up, but no amount of hate from what is a very small but also very vocal minority of drivers is going to stop computers from eventually giving us at least the option of having them control our vehicles. I fear that it's a similar situation with pedal-assist mountain bikes, too, even if thousands of riders are kicking and screaming about it. Case in point: I posted up a poll awhile back asking Pinkbike readers first if they thought riding an e-bike on singletrack was actually mountain biking, and also whether or not they were considering an e-bike for themselves in the near future. The results of those two questions were, somewhat predictably, about as lopsided as I've ever seen one of our polls turn out. To the first question, over 11,500 people said that no, an e-bike isn't a mountain bike, while just over 4,000 believe the opposite and nearly 2,000 were still undecided.

This thing is straight ????????on the trails. Really enjoying crushing endless kilometres of trail. #iamspecialized

A photo posted by Dylan Dunkerton (@dylandunkerton) on

Even more telling, just under 15,000 people said that they weren't considering buying an e-bike in the next twelve months, while 2,751 were at least mulling it over and 1,533 people were still on the fence. A lot of people are buying e-bikes, however, but it seems as though not many of them appear to be too vocal about it here on Pinkbike.

As many non-believers as there were chiming in on those polls, the numbers represent an extremely small sliver of mountain bikers in the world. In fact, major brands have told me that e-bikes sales are surpassing combined mountain bike sales numbers, which makes me simultaneously sad and mystified. Regardless, rather than not share what is actually a pretty damn sweet video, or maybe worse, simply share it on its own, I thought I'd reach out to Dylan Dunkerton himself to see what he thinks of all this battery banter. Interview below.

Photo by Harookz

The Coastal Crew's Dylan Dunkerton Talks E-Bikes

Mike Levy: It looks like you're pretty comfortable on an e-bike, and you're riding trails that you've personally built for non-pedal assist bikes. What would you say to someone who questions whether riding an e-bike on singletrack is actually mountain biking?

Dylan Dunkerton: It's an interesting idea - in some people's opinions because of the pedal assisted motor it suddenly makes the bike not a mountain bike. That’s like saying removing the motor from a dirt bike suddenly makes it a downhill mountain bike. We all know that’s just not the case. The Levo is a mountain bike with a motor, simple as that. It’s a different experience going up, but it's still a mountain bike going down. That being said, I do feel very strongly that there is a world of difference between assist and a bike with a high-powered motor and a throttle.

Levy: Out of all the bikes at your disposal, would an e-bike ever be your first choice for the trail shown in your latest video?

Dunkerton: Actually, yes, for a lot of that it would be, and some of it wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean I'd shy away from hitting anything on the Levo. The reality is now with that bike I can get myself to many more trails on one ride, and because of this I end up riding a wider range of trails and features on that bike. It's capable in many areas, but it could never replace a well set up downhill bike when things get going fast and features get bigger.

Photo by Harookz

Levy: What would you say to a group of riders who show up at the Coast Gravity Park and use their e-bikes to access the trails rather than the shuttle service?

Dunkerton: Well, it does happen, and we welcome anyone with an e-bike to the park, but we do not allow them to climb up rather than use the shuttle. It is just not safe to have vehicle and bicycle traffic operating on the same road. But we are aware that a lot of people, e-bike or not, would prefer to be able to get some climbing in. At some point in the future, we will be installing a climbing trail at the park.

Levy: Can you describe how an e-bike feels to ride on a trail like the one in your video?

Dunkerton: It took me about a week to adapt to the feeling of having that much more weight down low in one area. At first, it felt a little unusual, much harder to pull up and manual, but at the same time it excelled at cornering like no other bike I’ve ridden, thanks to the low center of gravity. As far as how much faster it goes, once up to 'trail speed' it’s the same as any other bike; it doesn’t allow you to scream down your favorite trail twice as fast, but what it does do is help you pick speed back up after you make a mistake. But don’t try to wheelie drop off a slick ladder bridge. When it comes to jumping, it has a slightly less poppy feel, it likes to stay low, and it's easy to whip out but not so easy to bring the whip back. After the initial week of riding, I switched back to my Demo 8 and did some park laps. And to my surprise, it was a smooth transition, and if anything it made me a stronger rider because now my trail and DH bikes feel so light and easy to throw around. It's insane.

Levy: Would you say an e-bike is an advantage in any way on a descent? Can you go faster, be in more control, or feel more confident because of the pedal assist?

Dunkerton: In my opinion, the only advantage is the way it corners. I am blown away with how the bike handles due to the majority of the weight being down around the pedals. I'm more confident and more in control riding this bike than I ever expected. That first ride was really the moment where Curt and I realized, “holy shit, this bike really is shreddable.” It was not something we expected, and it made us want to show people that this isn’t just a goofy fat tire bike for lazy people. With the right set up, it's capable of much more than people may think.

Photo by Harookz

Levy: Are there any setup differences between your standard bike and an e-bike given the pedal assist and the added weight of a motor and battery?

Dunkerton: I didn’t do any setup changes directly because of the weight. I set my Levo up the way I would set up any of my other trail bikes, with the exception of downhill casing tires instead of folding beads. We both went with a Butcher/Hillbilly 2.5'' combo. The Hillbilly in the back really helps on steep climbs to hold traction, and the Butcher is always the choice front tire for all of my bikes. We went with 2.5'' because of the rim that is spec’d on the Levo has a 34mm inner width. Although this rim is a little on the wide side, it allowed us to run much lower pressures than usual. We both went by feel and not numbers, and ended up in the low 20’s for tire pressure. That is really low for people who weigh in and around 200lbs and ride aggressively. For suspension pressure, it stayed the same as we run on our regular Stumpjumpers.

Levy: In North America, and especially in the United States, e-bikes are a contentious subject partly because of the trail access issues they can bring up. What are your thoughts on the use of a bike that has the potential to cause access issues related to all bikes, motorized or not?

Dunkerton: This is a subject that I'm not too comfortable getting into, but I do have one comment I'd like to get out there. In my opinion, before any of these issues around trail access can be addressed, there needs to be a line drawn between pedal assist and non-pedal assist. From my experience, anything with a throttle has the potential to cause a lot of damage to trail access, trail networks, and other users, whether it be a motorbike or a mountain bike.

Photo by Harookz

Levy: Many Pinkbike readers take no issue with shuttling up the mountain in a vehicle, but that seems to be at odds with how a lot of the same people seem to have a problem with pedal assist bikes. As a rider who runs a shuttle assisted bike park, do you feel the two methods are comparable?

Dunkerton: Well, the bottom line is that vehicles are regulated, insured, the roads are legal and government funded. E-bikes are not regulated, not insured, and most trails are built illegally. This gives anyone ammunition to find fault with e-bikes. I don’t think anyone shuttling up to the trail really cares if someone rides up and down the road on an e-bike; it's once they cross into the trail network where the two parties differ in opinion and issues arise. When it comes to comparing the two as a way to get to the top, it is not comparable. With the assist, you will be slower than a vehicle, and you will be getting your heart rate up.

Levy: Given some of the critical feedback that you'll likely receive on this video, I have to wonder why you'd want to do this. Straight up: was producing an e-bike video in your contract with Specialized? Was this a matter of ''you have to do this'' or a matter of the Coastal Crew wanting to do this?

Dunkerton: No, we are under no contractual obligation to ride this bike whatsoever, nor were we pressured to create media around it. Despite what everyone may think, we aren’t padding out bank accounts just because we are riding an e-bike. The gist of this whole project is the fact that we were just as skeptical as everyone else. I believe all bikes are fun, and for me, there was no denying the fact that the Levo would be a ton of fun to putt around town to and from the beer store – honestly, that’s all we planned on using it for. But now, after riding one the way we want to ride, we have realized that’s not just some stupid gimmick. People have had it crammed down their throats that e-bikes can climb very well. No one needs to know that anymore. They need to feel that their ride down won’t be compromised by the added weight of the motor.

Has the Coastal Crew broken new ground by riding (and filming) their e-bikes the way they do, or have they only broken the hearts of their fans? Go easy, Internet, and keep the claws down.

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mikelevy avatar

Member since Oct 18, 2005
2,032 articles

  • 810 40
 Still don't want one but good try
  • 218 47
 Did i just watch the coastal crew ride on motorized bicycles ?? I mean seriously ???
  • 123 27
 Riding "mountain mopeds" is like riding a ... [you all know where this is going] ...
  • 279 37
 Wow. First you lost Norbs, now youre pumping Ebikes? facepalm
  • 83 32
 Just moped advertising
  • 110 141
flag p3riderforlife (Dec 15, 2016 at 6:24) (Below Threshold)
 What an epic video boys!! So stoked to see someone send this thing. I've done local jump trails on the demo Levo... they open so many doors and I can't think of a single door they shut personally... it's wouldn't be my only bike for now but the bike is on rails!! Super fun glad the coastal crew has open enough minds to give anything a shot.????
  • 27 55
flag p3riderforlife (Dec 15, 2016 at 6:25) (Below Threshold)
  • 104 31
 Where is the delete button? I need to remove this page from Pinkbike. #SoSadIDidntSignUpForThis
  • 209 32
 If Hannah Barnes and her mum can ride regular bikes and have a great ride, I say screw ebikes... ebikes are lame. Never tried one, and never going to. I have a moto, if I want to ride a MX, I'll ride my kx450 not some levo.. They will push bigger and bigger motors and battery packs once the newness is gone. It will be, "stronger motor for 2019", better suspension, and now a "revolutionary twist throttle".. Once the door is cracked open, the rest is history
  • 6 13
flag hashtag-enduro (Dec 15, 2016 at 7:33) (Below Threshold)
 @owlie: right?
  • 95 9
 @ErnieK: next thing you know, your local fickle land manager decides to shut everyone out because the distinctions of what constitutes allowed/not allowed are too much of a hassle to enforce.
  • 67 88
flag riccardoleumann FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 7:53) (Below Threshold)
 Jeez, get over it. Can you let other people have fun without getting grumpy?
  • 12 20
flag tablETeit (Dec 15, 2016 at 8:15) (Below Threshold)
 @vikb: #Trolltrace 2016
  • 69 60
 meh, if its fun, why not? happy trails!
  • 27 10
 @ZebraJacket99: Yes. Who is going stop every e-bike and check that it's legal. And in the history of mountain bikes or motorcycles when has there ever been a bike that hasn't been immediately hacked/upgraded to go faster or be more aggressive?
  • 51 72
flag stacykohut (Dec 15, 2016 at 9:35) (Below Threshold)
 if ya don't stand up for something, you'll fall for everything. they have a name for guys like this............. sellout whores
  • 46 20
 @stacykohut: everyone who has a job is a sellout. this is their job.
  • 61 43
 somehow this reminds me of the 90's when full suspension really started to pop up - lots of hate from 'purist', but look where we are now. I was at first more on the hate side of things with the electric bikes but I think a lot is because my narrow mindset. They make a great point with the pedal assist enabling to ride more trail in less time, that is a good thing. I know a lot of people are concerned about the potential impact these bikes will have on trails but plenty of damage can be done on a non-motorized bike when handled irresponsibly and when I see the damage created by horses (where I live we share a lot of trails with horses) the impact of a motorized bike seems pale in comparison - free yo mind and your ass will follow!
  • 36 52
flag artistformlyknowasdan FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 9:57) (Below Threshold)
 @riccardoleumann: wow lots of people only want others to have fun they way they approve it! what a bunch of Nazi's
  • 26 47
flag artistformlyknowasdan FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 9:57) (Below Threshold)
 @riccardoleumann: wow lots of people only want others to have fun they way they approve it! what a bunch of Nazi's
  • 52 39
 @Grmasterd: 100% agree was this. In the grand scheme of things, its just another option. No one says you have to buy or even try it. The people who are actually trying to turn it into a negative will probably be the loudest ones saying how great they are once one of their parents, friends or themselves actually needs one. It never fails. Maybe its time to grow up a little? lol
  • 42 14
 They are coming. Whether the PB commenters like it or not, they are coming. I don't have any issue with them, and full power to anyone who has one or wants one. But:

The new 27.5/Boost/Metric shock is the Ebike. Its another way to sell new bikes to people who already own bikes. Every company will get on board soon enough. Plus an Ebike has the built in obsolescence of a battery that is finite and by the time it dies the it won't be economically sane to not replace the whole bike.

Whether or not the MTB community gains or loses is a question I'm not sure the answer to.
  • 19 27
flag stacykohut (Dec 15, 2016 at 10:09) (Below Threshold)
 @makripper: whatever dude.

drink the koolaid.
defend all ya want.
  • 9 11
 @ErnieK: this is spot on.
  • 52 4
 I didn't even realise they were E-bikes till I looked in the comments,must be more baked than I thought.
  • 33 26
 @stacykohut: what Kool aid? I'm saying to each their own. You are part of the herd Stacy. By complaining about tech that gives people access to to doing something they love is hardly a negative thing.
  • 10 10
 You are blind ^
  • 30 3
 @makripper: Tech that helps people do what they love is awesome! But my main concern with Mountain Mopeds or EMTB as they are marketed ( and I think I share this with mostly everyone that is against them) is that this specific tech might actually make "access" and I mean trail access more difficult for the entire MTB community. There's no way of knowing for sure, but that's my main concern. I also haven't seen anything at all from the Ebike supporters/advertisers/pushers that even shows they care about that. I'd rather see the person sharing the trail with me on an Ebike than a horse but that's just me. Ebike advertising and selling needs to overcome that main concern to get me over the line into the relm of not caring about them. Right now I'm against them for MTB!
  • 43 13
 The power to f&ck up our sport
  • 33 11
 @riccardoleumann: It's not like they set out to do a bro edit of themselves having fun. This is just a paid S commercial trying to get some bro cred for the asinine invention that is eBike.
  • 28 25
 @billyballa33: I totally see your point. why will it cause issues? why will it make things harder? If you are designing and building regulated trails at trail centers that are expecting heavy use, shouldn't your trails be solid enough to handle anything?
I'm not sure about the whole for or against trail access issue but I can see it being more fuel to the fire for certain groups. It might actually cause a stalemate. Yes, they could potentially do more damage if the trails aren't built properly but if they are and aren't causing more damage, then why is it an issue? If you got together with the people with Ebikes then its more BIKERS joined together with a larger voice and better numbers.
If you shun them out, you are only f*cking yourself really.

There aren't many ebike riders around where I live. The ones that use them, really need them. They have some sort of disabilty that makes it so actual mountain biking is out of the question. A bit of help with an assist system, and they don't have to sit at home being depressed and getting no exercise and not enjoying life.

these pinkbikers complaining are missing the human side of the equation. It's sickening.
  • 36 7
 @makripper: or maybe it's time for you to wake up and realize this has the potential to f*ck up decades of hard work building relationships and trails with other user groups.
  • 29 9
 @makripper: "tech that gives people access to to doing something they love is hardly a negative thing."

but a what cost? and to who? and to what user group?

there is nothing herd like in staying 3 steps ahead of the people who will ruin trail access by shutting things down because these ebikes have motors.

all we are saying is lets not 'go there' with these ebikes, because alot of us already know how land owners and land stewards will react to these 'motorcycles'. 'motorcycles' is their(owners and stewards) word, not mine. its their(owners and stewards) perception those of us who have seen these type of issues before in other sports we are concerned about. we already know how the general public and the land owners and stewards will react to these why even go down the road?
  • 14 21
flag taskmgr (Dec 15, 2016 at 10:45) (Below Threshold)
 @WasatchEnduro: that's too bad that these relationships are so weak that any slight change in technology will ruin decades of hard work. Maybe if they were stronger they would be able to adapt to changes.

Is this just speculation? it sounds like speculation when you say "potential to f*ck up"
  • 19 21
 @stacykohut: it's called fear, and herds move when they are in fear, so you are in the herd.
You are trying to put a blanket statement on all land owners and stewards. That doesn't work. You don't know how they will react but you can inform them.
We are already down the road. We need to be proactive and find a way to make it work for everyone. People who need ebikes don't deserve to be at the back of the bus lol
  • 35 10
 @makripper: and dude.........

i only ride park. ridden over a dozen parks in my fourwheeler.

so why do i give two craps about trail access on crown and private land?

because the dudes/dudettes that started this whole scene, and have been a part of it for over 40 years, don't have to have their trails taken away or limited because of the e bikes.

i'll never ride their trails, nor would i want to ride most of em really,....but they should be able to ride their trails without hassles of shut downs or dangers of ebikes climbing up and dh trail.

ebikes will cause more problems than they will solve.
  • 12 2
 @makripper: I think it is just all too familiar ground for many people. We have seen other user groups' access get phased out for far less and Stacy has it right when saying that the decision makers will not have any of the insight that those of us in the "know" have when making the call to allow or not allow a wide group of users the trail access because how do you categorize these things? and if you let in pedal assist what is your reasoning for not letting in x? then Y? then z?

you are right that it is speculation but I dont think anyone would argue that losing access to any of our favorite trails would be negative.
  • 16 18
ebikes will cause more problems than they will solve. = with proper knowledge, I can't see why it would be an issue? What is the worst that could happen? Will all MTB trails get shutdown if one ebike cruises through one trail?

How many a*sholes skid through berms and make brake bumps and ride on the sides of trails causing erosion and trail widening?
I would worry about those guys drinking beer, smoking weed with jacked up trucks doing stupid shit on trails in front of their bros first.
how would a couple of older dudes cruising down or up trails make them unrideable?
  • 24 3
 @makripper: your giving human beings too much credit.
  • 15 6
 " Nooow looky looky here, i can't tell if dat der thang is the worst excuse for a motorsickle i ever done seen, or just a hopped up kids bike with that there squirrel in cage engine. You fixing to ride this here trail? And you folks suuure do dress funny, so please , take yer clown suits and yer pathetic excuse for a motorsickle and git off this here prop-r-ty."
  • 9 3
 I'm not interested in the bike at all, but that was a really superb video.
  • 19 1
 @makripper: Cause dirtbikes, both gas and electric, don't have Any problems with trail and land access right?? I mean they are totally an inspirational example of the kind of access we can look forward to as we begin blurring the lines between MX and MTB even further in the eyes of policy makers and landowners. And there is absolutely no way that these e-put-put-mopeds will ever grow in power, speed, and range. No.Possible.Way! Zero progression is the name of the game!
Yeah you are totally right! I should be looking forward to my regular bike being classified exactly the same as anything else with two wheels and an electric motor, because whats the worst that could happen!?
  • 10 20
flag dannyfag (Dec 15, 2016 at 12:48) (Below Threshold)
 @kiksy: I have ridden for 39 years, trike, budgie, chopper, tracker, Bmx, mountain bikes from xc to dh in all wheels sizes... There`s always resistance to change, but the more I ride big loops on my "Enduro bike" I see the benefits of these bikes.... God knows I hated the idea a few years back, but on day 3 of an all mountain epic you have one of these pass you on a climb, it starts to make sense.... I was offered a go, along with a mate and all i can see is you will definitely smile.... Who here really loves the massive climbs anyway?
  • 14 15
 I already have one and is the shit. More options, more fun and, why not say so, waaaay more eviro friendly than lifts or trucks No masochists
  • 4 5
 @dannyfag: I agree. For so many people they make a lot of sense. That's kind of what I was saying in my comment. Ebikes for MTB are going to be massive. Will sales overtake "normal" bikes in a few years? Who knows.

But imagine what happens if a couple of your mates buy them, and they zoom up the climbs leaving you puffing away, how long until you give in? Then how long until everyone in your riding group gets sick of being left behind and buys one? The chain reaction will come and spread quickly once the tipping point is reached.

I'm not saying whether or not this is good or bad, but just like 27.5/Boost/Press fit BB/Metric shocks, it'll come whether everyone likes or wants it or not.
  • 5 3
 It's a personal choice. Many people, including myself, would try one on private property, in a disguise, and probably have a blast. In public, though the Kook-Factor is insurmountable, and I subconsciously lump these with Boosted skateboards and Segways when I see them. The people I see riding those two items are full-on Barneys, straight marks.
  • 4 5
 @kiksy: Yep, a friend a few miles away has a levo s works on order... He will be bringing it out for our next big day out at the North downs in Surrey in a few weeks.... Problem is I know im going to love it... Yep, as soon as one regular riding mate gets one, it won`t take long for all to follow... Was going to wait till im 60, but have a baby on the way next year, so riding less soon means I need a boost!...
  • 12 2
 @makripper: big mak, not all the world is as laid back as podunksville bc, unfortunately. Those of us who have attended trail access decision-making meetings know we'll be laughed out of the room if we say "so.... some of us are strapping motors to our bikes now... that's cool with you, right?!"

Why the hell would we even ask the question?

And I speculate that many trail systems will just adopt a 'don't see don't tell' unofficial policy initially though I recall reading somewhere that Jackson Hole is already restricting these on their lovely network of trails?
  • 11 8
 @Grmasterd: your right so many closed minded people out their . My hats off to the crew for tackling such a fickle subject. These bikes are a blast to ride. To all the badasses out the get out of ur shuttle/chairlift and go pedal up the hill causes that is what pedal assist is all about.
  • 10 7

knarf-dog, do what you want up in BC, I hope to make it up there sometime and see you on the trails. I won't even bitch if you're on an Ebike.

But when you come down here to ride in Utah, please leave that sh*t in Canada.


Me and everyone else in the state of Utah.
  • 5 5

Sorry knarf, I digress!

Moab trails were founded by dirt bikes and jeeps and so we all share them freely. Ebikes welcome, I guess. Just keep them out of northern Utah, eh!
  • 13 2
 @ErnieK: This is text book madern marketing - top tier athlete(s) function as influencer to help normalize/'brand' a product that is a practical idea for the masses (large diversified market) but the core group of users is not interested. The 'voice' of the psuedo - customers e.g the ambassador pro athletes is used to leverage “word of mouth” inspired marketing which generates more than double the sales of paid advertising, and such customers promise a 37 percent higher retention rate. Short list the most 'seen' crew and partner with them to promote content, create content, or to endorse your services or products without your business directly trying to pursued. It also is a direct platform that is relatively low cost - no agents, no big signing bonus (usually) and pay them with product. Also let them solve/find the content, format, frequency and platform needs. These marketing groups are part psychologist, data analyst and exploiter - they understand the biological underpinnings of your consumer habits. Crazy stuff
  • 6 2
 @WasatchEnduro: Moab MTB trails are closed to anything with a motor - with the exception of Slickrock Trail. This is signed at the trailhead. You can ride electric pedal mopeds on any jeep trail or OHV area.
  • 2 0
 @vikb: Yup my bad 'freely' was the wrong word, 'selectively' more like it.
  • 7 6
 @ErnieK: They are pedal assisted ..... nothing like motos... try and you will see... in the meantime get your facts straight before you go yapping on an article that you don't know jack about !
  • 5 1
 @ErnieK: until they come with heated grips and a beer dispenser, completely worthless.
  • 1 0
 @ZebraJacket99: that is a great point!
  • 10 2
 @stacykohut: Who cares!! I don't give a rip what wheel size you ride or if its pedal assist or not. What worries me is people who don't ride or share trails responsibly and treat others like shit. It's all about smiles per hour and having fun. Its a bike relax. The sellout comment is bullshit cause we are all sellouts in some way or form. Have a great day. Smile
  • 5 1
 @ErnieK: bingo. That is how marketing and sales work. Even 250 watts is a lot. I ride a trainer with a power meter and that's a hard number to push. Add that power and hills are easy. We have bike parks and shuttle accessed areas now. E bikes open up more area for those that can't or won't put up the effort to climb. I think they are fine some places but not good in many other places. They won't help access issues.
  • 3 1
 @WasatchEnduro: Lol No worries!!! One day I'll get one, but for now me and my kick ass Bronson will be more than happy to shred Northern Utah-Bucket list riding Cheers
  • 7 3
 Trophy hunting on strava with an e-bike is the new spawnkill. Get some skills you worthless hacks
  • 1 0
 @stacykohut: As the old saying goes, you got to sellout to eat out...

The funny thing is that with the speed limit on these things, most of your downhill riding would be like the old 40 lbs DH bike days...
  • 4 2
 I just saw great riding.
  • 10 2
 @Benito-Camelas: Exactly ... I didn't know that so many people hated me for using the lift at Silverstar or Whistler.
For me the reason I like downhill at a park is that I can get in 10 to 12 DH sections in a day. However, if I have to ride up Smith Creek in Kelowna for one downhill section, it's a 2 to 3 hour commitment and I'm too exhausted to go again. Therefore the lift at the park helps me to get the equivalent of a year's worth of DH in one day.
With that in mind if the E-bike helps a rider to get more downhill sections in a day a month or a season ... why not?
  • 3 1
 @endlessblockades: Regarding the kook factor. You will see just as many ( or few) newbs/ kooks on any given trail because it's the trail that's the limiting factor. The riders without the necessary skills just stick to the bike paths/ fire roads and work their way up to more tech trails. Just like before. E-bikes aren't a magic wand that suddenly give you skills you don't have.
  • 7 2
 Ok, so if we embrace ebikes in a negative way, there will surely be a negative outcome? If we keep a positive attitude, we can probably get out with something good... Division is what I see in the comments and thats not what mtb needs. All forms of cycling need to work together, those wanting to classify mtb as a purist sport need to get of their high horses. Who knows, maybe that grumpy land manager who doesnt like mtb will try an ebike and develop a liking for ebiking.

Although I beleive mtb and e-mtb are two different animals, pointing fingers and calling names wont get us anywhere. Thats something you learn at elementary school.

So please people, instead of throwing some oil in the fire, maybe you should convince your LBS to let some grumpy anti-mtb demo an ebike? They might see that it really isnt that big of a deal.
  • 4 1
 @scrammer: That's my point. The problem is that I live a bit too far from the nearest park (a few hours drive), so if I want to ridedown I gotta pedal up first. There is no choice. I usually make about four or five descents with different levels of difficulty, meaning I must ride up the same number of times, and tiredness takes its toll in the end, and cant enjoy so much, even leaving the less demanding descents for the end. The answer was to get an ebike. You get less tired and enjoy far more riding down, you reduce the time spent on going up and you can ride down more, much more actually. In short the fun increases. In addition I no longer drive the car to go to the Pyrenees or Madrid, meaning I'm f*cking the world a little less. I got more options as a result. They certainly make a difference.
  • 3 2
 @Benito-Camelas: Yep, thats it.... You get to ride your favourite decents twice, or maybe three times.... Not sure how anyone can hate the fact that they will get to ride more of the good stuff...

I won`t be hearing the bad mouthing when Im flying up the hills at 15mph!!!
  • 3 1
 it's funny - we just had an article about the lack of legal riding somewhere in Marin, and the PB response is that we should all poach more - at least in that zone. Now ebikes come along, and PB says they (e-bikers) should respect the rules and stay off our mtb trails...
  • 6 1
 Regulation would be increasingly difficult as motors get smaller and more tucked away. If ebikes were limited to motorized areas, theyd still poach the non motorized trails. Enforcement would be tough and managers would likely consider this when reviewing bike access.

And will ebike riders do more trail maintenance since theyre riding more laps? Doubt it. Seems like "more fun, less work" mentality is exactly what the ebike appeals to in the first place.

But if you build your own trails or ride in motorized areas, have at er
  • 8 3
 Its, funny that people here act like they have been personally assaulted by e bikers or something. The fundamentalists say its wrong cuz its slightly motorized. So no more driving to the trail heads, shuttling, or lift access to enjoy biking, right?
  • 6 2
 @slayerdegnar: Not exactly, don't make this all emotional. It's mechanized transportation and it has the potential to jeopardize all cycle access to current and future legal areas. If you are lazy and can't make the loops, ride to the local trail head and want the downs for free, that's on you. Enjoy biking for what it is....climbing and descending. Those folks who have worked so hard to make trail access headway have played by the law and a bunch of folks who want access to something for free don't deserve it.
  • 7 1


What you, I, or anyone else on PB thinks about E-bikes is irrelevant when compared to what the trail access land managers think.

Vernon Felton's article hinted about trail poaching versus concerted efforts at working with land managers to define access; and I have no trouble whatsoever in calling out anyone who takes their E-bike, trail poaches and then tells others to shut up because they haven't tried one, whilst land managers look on and consider the next access meeting agenda.

People have spent years, maybe decades, working to get trail access for more riders in more areas and e-bike riders are in no way going to make a positive contribution to the negotiations.
  • 8 1
 @makripper: I don't think mountain mopeds are a problem at trail centers designed around them or trails built the right way for MTB...where I see the issues are in wilderness areas and similar where we are trying to change the perception that bikes are legit human powered transportation and the ban on mechanized travel really means "motorized travel," like the legislation was originally intended to mean before the sierra club came in and shut us out. It's pretty easy to see how we will never win that argument if we allow bikes with motors on them in the same category.

If we are only trying to have a louder voice then why haven't we already joined up with our mortorized two wheeled bros on MX bikes for trail access? Obviously we have tried to distance MTB from MX for trail access. Mountain mopeds blur the line too much and move us back in the wrong direction.

And chew on this for a moment. Electric assist mountain mopeds allow for faster average speeds thus allowing the user to ride more trail miles in the same amount of time/effort as if they were on MTB right? Now, what does more damage to a trail, me riding my MTB one time down the trail in an hour, or me riding it down the same trail 2x in an hour?

I think the logic is pretty easy to follow that even without regular throttles, mountain mopeds will do more damage to the trails.

Even after riding one, which I have, I'm convinced these things don't belong on our hard earned, fought for, singletrack trails.
  • 1 0
 @Metacomet: @Metacomet: what do you mean grow in power. Twin 2000 W kits have been available for five years or more. Airplane RC motors with hi end lipo batteries put these to shame and have been around over a decade. The only limit on power is the reduction gears which can't handle the torque and the weight of the batteries. The 4000 W kits will do over 140kph with the right gearing. The fastest electric bike "Killacycle" does 8 second quarter miles and uses a brushed motor from a WWII sub. The power has always been here but it is useless on tight twisty single track. Watch Gee beat an enduro Motorbike at Fort Bill and that is way more open than most trails.
  • 1 0
 @choppertank3e: Please tell me that all that sarcasm was not lost on you. Of course they will grow in power, because that power is already there and has been for a long time, and quite inexpensive and easily accessible at this point. But in the current state of e-bikes, its just a watered down assist. Not for long though. Its just a very short matter of time.
Pull the wool off your heads people! I mean come on! Cant you see where this is going!?
  • 2 0
 @Metacomet: Exactly the issue, it's natural for people when using any type of motor powered vehicle, in even semi competitive situations, to want more power and more speed.
It won't be long before people are tweeking these things and doing 30mph up hill.
Bumped into a guy years ago that had built his own electric powered DH bike, an old Bighit, the motor and battery pack were around the size of two water bottles and the thing f*cking ripped.
  • 3 2
 E-bikes for the lazy sloths that want the reward without the effort.
  • 11 1
 @properp: Even though I don't necessarily disagree with you, it's not fair to completely generalize like that. You cant take that argument anywhere, because it can be applied in so many different directions. Modern bikes are easier to ride than ever, and that's without the inclusion of a motor.
I'm not against the existence of e-bikes. I'm not against people enjoying themselves on an e-bike. I'm not arguing that an e-bike is probably a shit ton of fun to ride.
NONE of that matters though.
What matters is the fundamental change of state that occurs when you add a motor to something that was once without. Rowboat -> Motorboat ; Bike -> Motorbike
What I am against, is this feeble dishonest desperate attempt to coerce people into accepting and believing and acting on the false principal that these should be considered the same thing as a human powered bicycle. And they are attempting to do it every which way they know how. And they are attempting to slip it through this gray area by climbing aboard the back of the BICYCLE industry and all of its access.
"Think of the kittens and the disabled and the elderly and your achy knees and the starving children. Its only a supplement. There isn't a throttle. Think of the pros you have always admired! Look at them getting rad just like old times! See, its still a bike!"
Remember I said I am not Against the existence of e-bikes? I'm not. Why would I be? I mean really. We get around with and depend on engines and motors every which way all day every day. They certainly have their place, and people certainly have the right to decide that for themselves.
But these need to be classified for what they are, and approached from the ground up as such by standing on their own two electrified wheels. They do not belong in the same category as a bicycle. Because they ARE fundamentally different due to one very important distinction. A MOTOR.
The manufacturers are not advertising them as motor bikes. They are advertising them as... a mountain bike... With Benefits!!! Yeahh! Thats the right angle! same as your old bike, but now with benefits!
We are their target market.
Think of how flat and lost their advertising campaign would look if they were competing with other two wheeled motorized vehicles. "Go slower! Do extra work to get there! Come take a futuristic retro nostalgic ride with us back to the birthplace of the motorcycle, but this time with a battery!"
This. More than ever. Is all about expanding market share and driving sales. But make no mistake. They are not selling bikes.
  • 3 0
 @Metacomet: This sums it up perfectly.. If I could upvote more than once I would
  • 4 1
 @Metacomet: @mikelevy: @RichardCunningham:

Metacomet, you make some great points in a very accessible way; something that the readership of PB would be interested in I believe. It is a shame your comment is buried under a huge array of comments and unlikely to be seen by many who would find your points interesting.

I was wondering if either

a) you would you be interested in expanding your opinion in a longer piece for PB, if you and they agreed?
b) PB would be interested in giving Metacomet a platform (possibly through a Q&A type piece)? Possibly as part of a "We asked (n) number of people in the MTB industry, both producers and consumers, their take on..."

I for one would be very glad to see something along those lines. PB is often used very effectively by interested parties as a tool to promote X, Y and Z. It would be great to see more of the consumers voices in conceived and created pieces more often, rather than having to sift though the detritus of the comments to find the gold.

  • 3 1
 @Metacomet: If Pinkbike wants to run articles on motor bikes make it about something with real power like a 450 Honda. Not a underperforming battery operated excuse for a motor bike that you fools @PB want to push as a bicycle. This is a bicycle site NOT a MOTOR BIKE site. May all your Ethings go up in flames.
  • 2 0
 @orientdave: Thanks for the kind words Dave.
Sure why not. I think that could be pretty interesting and beneficial.
  • 2 0
 @Grmasterd: This is the most intelligent comment I've read in a PB comments section in a LONG time. Good on ya
  • 292 30
 I guess you can't be supported by the big S without selling your soul to the Devil at some point.

Guess Norbs jumped ship when he heard the ebikes were coming #youhearditherefirst
  • 130 6
 That must be why Troy jumped ship to lol
  • 14 42
flag pintoproof (Dec 15, 2016 at 5:21) (Below Threshold)
 doesnt make sense since he is still being sponsored by Specialized
  • 33 11
 They really are towing the company line here, the big S is turning them into corporate schills
  • 27 14
 Mountain biking as a whole doesn't create large salaries for their riders. As mountain bike riders, don't we want the athletes to make a little bit more even if they have to make e-mtb videos? Why are you even complaining, that video was sick, who cares about the bike!
selling your soul to the devil, or trying to make a living from your passion?
  • 32 3
 Well, now we see what Specialized spent all that money on that they saved by dumping Gwin
  • 70 14
 If you look closely, you can actually see Mike Sinyard's arm shoved shoulder deep into Dunkerton's ass. Coastal Crew Puppets.
  • 4 0
 I didn't realize Norbs had left the Coastal Crew because he kept riding for Specialized. Anyone know what the 'circumstances' were that prevented him rom continuing with the CC?
  • 41 44
 If you haven't ridden one then don't piss on others who have. The crew enjoyed riding them, shredded their personal riding spots and wanted to share their thoughts and experiences. Just because it doesn't fit your paradigm of what mtb should be don't attack their integrity. I swear so many on here sound just like a bunch hikers and equestrians from the Sierra club talking about mtb'ers.
  • 2 1
 @davidpr2: i was joking mate
  • 17 31
flag d-man FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 8:35) (Below Threshold)
 @Stampers: so true, mountain bikers are the most whiney spoiled user group i have now encountered.
  • 81 5
 @Stampers: Maybe it's because plenty of us have spent a lot of time fighting against hikers and equestrians from the Sierra Club to preserve access for mountain bikes, and a bunch of dipshits on electric bikes have the potential to ruin years and years of hard work.

I can guarantee you that the environmentalists who are trying to shut mountain bikes out of trails aren't going to be concerned about the nuances between pedal assist and bikes with a throttle - either way about it, it's a motor. We don't need to be blurring the line between mountain bikes and dirt bikes (and I'm saying that as someone who has owned dirt bikes and thinks they're awesome).
  • 16 3
 @toast2266: you understand completely.
  • 15 39
flag taskmgr (Dec 15, 2016 at 10:31) (Below Threshold)
 @toast2266: if you build your trails so shitty that a pedal assist bike will ruin it, then thats too bad. I have moto's on my trails all the time and they don't get ruined. This is a pretty sad excuse.

I'm surprised at the amount of whining going on. So much negativity and hate over a bicycle w a motor for pedal assist.

Is the world going to end now? I thought it was already over when 29ers came around and everyone hated them? or when 1x sram gear fist came out? what about 27.5? or tubless tires? or electronic shifting? or dropper posts!!! LOL at the haters of all new tech that adopt it a few months later.
  • 15 8
 @makripper: mak are you really so ignorant that you don't understand why people are turned off by eBikes? If so, may Morpheus have mercy on your soul.
  • 11 1
 @Stampers: many of us in certain areas of the country have to deal with a*shole groups like equestrians /hikers /Sierra club in order for us to have trails. THAT is why we are bitching about it. Those groups look for ANY excuse to kick us off multi-use trails.
  • 4 26
flag taskmgr (Dec 15, 2016 at 11:04) (Below Threshold)
 @bman33: then INFORM them. Be well prepared and bring it up first describing how they aren't an issue and don't give them excuses or fuel to the fire. If you shit all over Ebikes, someone is going to ride your trails anyways with one and then you get shut down.
  • 15 1
 @makripper: most of it isn't about 'whining or bitching or trail build quality', it's about ACCESS. Most of us , at least down in the US, have to contend with groups like Sierra Club, Hikers, Equestrians, etc. Those groups consistently look for ANY excuse to kick MTBr's off the trails. So keep that in mind when you bash people for bitching about this.
  • 2 1
  • 6 0
 Staying on the CC meant pimping e-bikes so he went his own way to stay pure.
  • 3 1
 @toast2266: No dig, no ride.
  • 14 0
 @makripper: You have valid points, however you must have never dealt with land mangers or the Sierra Club prior. On the very best days they look at mountain bikers as reckless cretins. No matter the explaining , they won't except any type motor on the trails. And yes, there is a threat/issue because not matter how 'informed' they are, we can't prevent and handful of douchebags acting as such on regular bikes much less ones with motor assisted drives on them
  • 13 0
 @bman33 Exactly. @makripper, whether or not e-bikes cause more damage than regular bikes is unfortunately beside the point. It's about perception. If so many MOUNTAIN BIKERS think "motor + bike = motorbike", what do you think are the chances that land managers won't follow the same thought process? Maybe this is an American issue; I don't know what trail access is like in Canada. But this isn't a purist thing, at least not for me; there have been enough trail closures in California without adding e-bikes to the equation.
  • 3 0
 @Bluefire: Bingo.
  • 15 0
 @toast2266: Exactly this. It's not about whether an eMountain Bike is really a mountain bike, but the fact that these things showing up on our local trails will seriously set back our progress with access. They may be super fun, I don't know. What I have a big issue with is the manufacturers pushing forward with zero concern about impact to access. They are only interested in a new market segment opening up and not how it will effect the thousands of hours or lobbying and millions of dollars raised by small organizations to get trails built on public land. I'm in the US so I am speaking about issues we face here. May be different in Canada, Europe, etc but eBikes are already causing issues on local trails where they are technically not allowed.
  • 2 10
flag d-man FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 15:47) (Below Threshold)
 @toast2266: dipshits eh? I can see why you have trouble negotiating....
  • 2 10
flag d-man FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 15:51) (Below Threshold)
 @bman33: a*sholes? Ha! Another smooth talking biker who shows the lack of respect towards other user groups. This is the reason people dislike bikers. Arrogance.
  • 4 6
 @bman33: you are correct other user groups think bikers are out there to trash the earth. Many on here have showed why others think this way. Bikers are their own problem. Showing up in parking lots tunes blasting, being loud and obnoxious, pissing in public, camping in day use areas, building one hit wonders where anyone can see.... I've seen it all. Until every biker cleans up their own act we will never get any respect.
  • 3 0
 @d-man: Valid points you bring up. However, take those and add ebikes to the mix. It's like pouring gas on a fire. As for the "a*sholes" comment, many in the other user groups have earned that title just as we have.
  • 4 1
 The sad thing is that some mountain bikers are so against the whole E-bike thing that they would probably point out the E-bikes that might go unnoticed by some causing more problems for all of us... It's not like these e-bikes are rolling around with big neon signs stating "I HAVE A MOTOR!"
  • 3 7
flag slayerdegnar (Dec 16, 2016 at 11:26) (Below Threshold)
 I just got back from a 9 day trip shredding my e bike. I rode a lot great technical trails that i usually ride on my Nomad, only difference is i rode more. Nobody got hurt. The trails didn't know the difference. The local authorities didn't shut down the trails. People need to get over this intolerant attitude.
  • 8 1
 @slayerdegnar: That makes total sense, I am sure your bike is fun. My attitude is not intolerant. I work on trail advocacy issues and raise funds for a regional (non IMBA) trail association. I can tell you with certainty that they current push of e-mt bikes by the industry without regard of the advocacy and access issues will result in less trails on public land in my area (PNW). Local retailers are pushing them on people telling them they can ride anywhere they like which is absolutely untrue as they are not allowed on many public lands under current laws. Other groups that are not favorable to mountain bikes are taking note and will use this information against us when it comes time to secure more access. Bike manufacturers such as Specialized are just looking to boost revenues and care little about what happens after the sale.
  • 3 0
 @kamsbry: Ditto for out here in Colorado also (even though slayerdegnar lives in Durango). I've heard it explicitly from advocates here and in my native southeast that land managers and orgs like Sierra Club and such and beginning to search out and punish the e-bikers.
  • 1 0
 @bman33: true but when we as a user group are trying to build relationships we need to take the high road, be professionals and stay away from name calling and bashing.
  • 3 0
 @d-man: your point is proven d-man. However, you have zero clue about dealing with land managers here in Colorado and also, we are on a bike blog, and not in front of the said land managers. I don't call them a*sholes to their faces just like they don't do it in front of ours. They have zero respect for us, partially some of our own doing as a whole. However , this can be a 'safe space' to bitch about them as I am sure they have the same.
  • 3 3
 @bman33: the enviro groups have no real argument other than the motorized debate. There is no more damage done by an ebike than regular bike, no pollution, no noise.
Do they have motors yes, but they also need to be pedalled to move.
In Canada anything under 750watt is classed as a bicycle and should be thought of as such.
My issue is to many people crying wolf without having any knowledge or experience which will draw attention to the issue others.
Bike community needs to stick together, make a stand and continue to fight together instead of crapping on each other for riding a bike that is different than the norm.
  • 6 0
 @d-man: Again, your point taken. However, the enviro groups down here in the US, especially Western states, do not subscribe to logic. I've personally seen bikes banned from trails due to 'erosion' or 'keep it natural' and similar reasons and then they turn around and bulldoze trails and put concrete paths or allow even more horse traffic in the mud season (when we typically don't ride) and made things worse.
This is an example of the bike community sticking together and defending what we have worked hard to achieve and are still fighting for. The USA land mangers already are aware of e-bikes and have begun to threaten trails at this early stage. Watt power ratings have zero affect whether they are 100w or 1500w. They don't see them as benign and they have all the power regardless of our opinions on them. If bikers irresponsibly ignore 'no motor' signs and/or act like a*sholes with e-bikes and threaten our access or get trails closed to all bikers, we as non-ebike riders have every damn right to crap on them and point the finger.
  • 1 0
 @bman33: don't be to sure said managers don't read these sites. You can't control what others do and say but you can control your actions and others will follow your lead.
  • 2 2
 @kamsbry: i disagree, it is all about whether or not ebikes are mountain bikes. If we as a group say they are and government legislates them as such its a done deal.
Manufacturers are in the business to make money. It is user groups responsibility as to where to ride.
  • 3 0
 @d-man: With that point, I would like to single out ebikes to an even higher degree and drive home the point that non-ebike riders do not approve of said bikes on our hard earned trails. They need to see that not all of us are looking to fly down/up trails with ebikes. Note: I race DH, Enduro, BMX and am not an XC purist.
To the note of me calling the land mangers and/or the equestrians specifically out on our blog, maybe they need to see another perspective. We too often get accused of living with blinders on. Well, they can and are often just as guilty
Bottom line, ebikes threaten our hard fought access regardless of them being a true threat or not. I, and many of the riders I know, will vocally call them out when ever we can. I also won't call the rangers, land mangers , equestrians a*sholes to their faces. However, I will vent on this forum to a degree.
  • 11 1
 @d-man: The enviro groups have lots of great arguments - they'll use the same arguments they're currently using to close out mountain bikes, and the addition of motors will just make it easier for them.

Their argument will be: e-bikes move faster, and more quietly than any other user group. This will 1) increase negative interactions with other trail users, and 2) increase negative interactions with wildlife. Here in Montana, they'll go on to say how it'll specifically increase negative interactions with grizzly bears, which are classified as a "threatened" species. They'll argue that those negative interactions with a threatened species warrant closing the trail to any wheeled vehicle, motorized or not. And if the Forest Service ignores them, they'll sue, and more often than not, federal judges have been siding with the enviros on these issues.

Motorized users are getting their access cut even faster than mountain bikes (despite shitloads of money in the moto industry from Honda, Yamaha, etc.). The last thing mountain bikers need is to corner themselves into some weird gray area where some of the bikes have motors and some don't. If people want to ride e-bikes on moto-legal trails, then more power to them. I'll happily fight for their continued access. But if they want to start riding non-moto legal trails because they're acting like their e-bike is just a regular mountain bike, I'll be the first one to throw them under the bus. I've spent way too much of my free time fighting to protect legitimate mountain bike access for some guy on his shiny new e-bike to come along and f*ck it up.
  • 4 0
 @toast2266: Amen sir!
  • 5 4
 @toast2266: exactly the right argument. I would add...ebikes are for wussies who don't really want to ride a mountain bike to begin with. F@ck them!
  • 4 1
 @yetibomb: so I guess EWS riders who use ebikes to scout trails on rest days, disabled riders, & older riders who just want to keep riding are wussies. You may dislike the trail access problems ebikes potentially create but don't throw out condescending sweeping judgements at all ebike riders. it could be you someday on an ebike for reasons you have zero control over...
  • 6 3
 @Stampers: keep reaching for straws homie, keep reaching.
  • 1 0
 @bman33: and all the other Californians whining about trail access.
  • 1 2
 @Stampers: Did we say that Stampers? Or are you just trying to be a dick and throwout "condescending sweeping" statements at us? Of course some exceptions can be made for disabled. However, even they can't ride motorized vehicles for the most part on non-motor trails.
  • 2 1
 @bman33: No Bman33, your homie yetibomb was the one putting out the sweeping judgements with his "ebikes are for wussies" comment up above. thanks for
  • 1 0
 @yetibomb: i guess I'm a wussie then. You really have no clue....
  • 208 10
 Bowie: dead
Trump: president
Coastal Crew: riding E-bikes

Thanks 2016
  • 31 3
 you forgot more important, Stevie Smith and Kelly McGarry worst year ever
  • 3 1
 R.I.P. ORFN US #orfnforever

and the list goes on
  • 3 8
flag slayerdegnar (Dec 16, 2016 at 11:30) (Below Threshold)
 I think people like jumping on various band wagons to fit in. Like, "lets hate on e bikes" or trump supporters, "lets hate on immigrants"?
  • 1 4
 @slayerdegnar: so true, people tend to look for reasons to hate
  • 158 24
 Where I go riding, there's 2 70 plussers who always show up on their E-bikes and have an absolute hoot. The way I see it, by the time I hit that age and start struggling to pedal up, the bikes will be way advanced and allow me to keep on riding until the end of my days. Happy that these guys are developing my future bike for me.
  • 34 14
 I saw a guy on an ebike towing his kid on another bike (prob under 10) up to the top car park at Glentress. I think thats a good reason to get one.
  • 15 10
 I agree with you. Just because an individual does not like e-bikes does not mean everyone else should have the same opinion (just like sex, politics, and religion). There may be many reasons, besides age, that someone needs and/or wants an e-bike. At 43 I can still ride a normal bicycle and have LOTS of fun. Like @vesko has said, there will probably be a time that I will want to continue to ride and the body may not be able to. Having options is a good thing.
  • 52 6
 @richard01: i tow my son up the mountain,no e-bike required.
  • 24 37
flag d-man FL (Dec 15, 2016 at 8:36) (Below Threshold)
 @rideonjon: want a gold star?
  • 8 6
 @richard01: I just did that with my nephews. On separate days I took a 6 year old and a 9 year old pretty deep into the backcountry. Certainly deeper than they could get on their own. They had a blast on the downs and then I roped them up and towed them up the climbs with my Levo.
They're hooked on mtb.
  • 3 20
flag rideonjon (Dec 15, 2016 at 9:25) (Below Threshold)
 @d-man:eat a D d-man.
  • 22 0
 70 plus? Is that a new wheel/tire standard? Man, I'm really having trouble keeping up.
  • 3 0
 Didn't anyone see how many ebikes were at rampage?? The 4 mile trek was slayed by the ebike crowd and left me in the dust.....
  • 6 2
 @rideonjon: classy bro, you talk like that around you kids?
  • 5 6
 @d-man: Haha i don't let my son on Pinkbike so i'm not concerned about that.Your comment was prickish,so it seemed appropriate for you to eat a dick.
  • 3 1
 @vesko - Presume you mean the 2 dudes rollin' round the the Peaslake area? Had a few chat's with them and seems like they have a great retired life out riding 3/4 times a week!
  • 4 3
 I'm 34 and just got a e bike. After 20 years of mtn biking, it is the next stage of the sport for me. I still ride my ass off and got tired. I was just able to shred more, longer. Why is it that your lazy and you have to be old to ride an e bike?
  • 4 2
 @rideonjon: your son likes bikes but you don't let him on a bike website....

Your comment of towing him was obviously meant to brag about yourself and had no relevance to the video or debates thus the sarcastic reply.
  • 3 3
 @d-man: Really bragging on the internet,what's the point.The actual point of my comment was that you don't NEED e-bikes to haul a load or what ever your excuss is for not wanting to pedal.d-man=douche-man.
  • 103 15
 I thought it was a normal shredding video up until the end, didn't even notice they were on e-bikes!
  • 38 63
flag chriskneeland (Dec 15, 2016 at 3:24) (Below Threshold)
 Pedal assisted motorcycles. Let's call them what they are.
  • 10 21
flag RedBurn (Dec 15, 2016 at 5:41) (Below Threshold)
 Same !!
  • 28 3
 This may be unfair, because I saw the comments before I watched. These bikes are clearly shredable, and can corner hard, but you can also see the effects of weight and the loss of dynamics/style(compared to what these guys can do on a much lighter bike). If these are normal bikes, those tables would be above parallel, and the whips out further. More quick combination moves... manuals and nosies(maybe with a subtle tail whip) into and out of berms. What you see is good... but it's what you don't see that betrays the opportunity cost of all that weight.
  • 4 2
 I'll admit, I didn't realize they were on e-biked until the fine print at the end. That said, it was largely because it looked like yet another riding clip filmed at dusk. I've been saying it for years - I want more of a storyline. In fairness, this video did have some of that with a beginnign and resolution.
  • 11 3
 @AllMountin: I noticed the lack of style (relative to my expectations) before I noticed they were on e-bikes.
  • 4 2
 Wow Wow chill it guys, it was related to @TorW
  • 3 1
 The one case where you should not hit the fav button just cause it's from the coastal crew. Please everyone, watch before doing so.
  • 2 0
 @AllMountin: @AllMountin: I was struggling to write that tactfully. Good job.
  • 2 2
 Yep, looks like a lot fun until you read the comments where every gets on the "dis e bikes" bandwagon. Its weird that fellow mtn bikers hate other mtn bikers for having fun and using something slightly different.
  • 83 6
 I agree with bizutch. We are blessed to the nines to have the Pisgah Forest, Dupont and Bent Creek at our doorstep to enjoy our passion. I am definitely against any form of motorized, pedal assist or not, to have any chance of affecting trail closures. It's taken me four years of work to get these 72 year old legs to make it up Clawhaammer or Headwaters and believe me, if I can do it so can you. There are plenty of fire roads available if you want to motor up We must protect what we are blessed with to enjoy.
  • 21 0
 You rock dude! Hope I'm kickin it here on PB at 72.
  • 13 0
 Good for you are a great man! I am 49 and you totally inspire me......keep it up dude!
  • 2 1
 I don't know....the @bizutch guy is pretty shifty. Not sure if I would trust him. Ha!
  • 3 0
 @bman33: Love you too Brent. Careful. You might get banned. These modern keyboard jockeys butt hurt easy.
  • 69 3
 If you don't live in America, maybe you just don't get it. Trail access for mountain bikes in America is such an awful uphill struggle that maybe that's why so many of us resist this so hard. The Sierra club will not look at these kindly, and we WILL lose trail access in America to ALL mountain bikes. I get that this isn't true for the whole world, so maybe if you live in a place where trail access isn't so fragile you could have a positive attitude about ebikes. But as an American, knowing where this could take us, I cannot and will not stop resisting ebikes.
  • 16 0
 The problem is research will do nothing in regards to access issues, we already see that with regular bikes. Regular Mountain Bike use doesn't cause any more damage to trails than hiking, and a lot less than Horses but everyone pictures biking as sliding around turns and kicking up dirt even when that isn't backed up by research. When people think of an e-bike they think of a MX burnout and that will stick in their head even if it is completely unsupported by reality. Also most trail access issues are old people who just want the trails for themselves, and will come up with any reason to advance that cause.
  • 19 2
 Well said. Specialized appears to be leading the charge getting e-bikes to market, and in turn on trails, with little or no concern as to how this will inevitably effect trail access. Notice that's the one thing Dunkerton doesn't want to talk about either.
  • 2 0
 Can we move this comment to the top?
  • 64 4
 I saw literally nothing in that video that presented a legitimate reason to consider an e-bike over a real bike.
  • 8 2
 i agree, and why pay so much for an e-bike instead of buying a motocross ? if you already have a mountain bike...
  • 5 9
flag Stampers (Dec 15, 2016 at 18:33) (Below Threshold)
 It's the ability to ride for longer on a bike that can, to a degree, be just as fun to ride as a regular bike. It will allow people who are tired after three straight days of riding to continue to ride. It will allow those with amputations to ride with friends. It will allow someone who maybe sick or under the weather to still ride. It will allow those recovering from injury to ride more. It will allow more people to get into our sport increasing our user base and voice in the debate over trail access.
  • 7 1
 @Stampers: The video I watched had no amputees riding on e-bikes. They didn't look very sick either. If you're gonna advertise e-bikes, do it properly.
  • 3 3
 @Crossmaxx: I was just pointing out there are quite a few legitimate situations where ebikes can be useful since you were SO unconvinced by the video.
  • 3 0
 @Stampers: I understood that. And my point was: so why didn't they make a video that highlights those situations?
  • 2 0
 This whole ride longer/further/higher argument needs to stop! Hit the gym, cross train, ride more. You'll be able to do all that without lugging around a 50lb bike.
  • 2 0
 @Stampers: You tired after three days riding? Try riding more, not strapping a quasi engine to your bike!
  • 1 0
 @gonecoastal: I don't even own one but I'd be glad to tour you around on all day epics in Pisgah National Forest for 3 days and we'll see how macho you are...we'll then hit clawhammer to black mountain and see how much you'd like an ebike on the climb u clawhammer road...gtfh!
  • 1 0
 @Stampers: I ain't scared. These CC videos often showcase my backyard trails...
  • 59 3
 As both a mountain biker and e-bike owner, the later used for commuting, more specifically hauling a trailer full of booze and meat for my small restaurant, it should be made apparent to the Pinkbike crowd that all that is required to change these "e-bikes" to full on throttle only (thumb or twist shift) electric motorcycles is about 3 bucks in electronics from Shenzhen. Any of the modern e-bike controllers can be very simply accessed, and plug-and-play wired and calibrated for operation with any configuration of throttle, with or without pedal assist, as easily as say installing a new SSD into your computer. No soldering, no understanding of electrical engineering required. Having this huge grey of assigning them the status of bicycles leaves room for tons of abuse. Here in Japan, low powered e-bikes are used as daily transportation for the elderly, thus no police have ever pulled me over and asked to see what my battery nominal voltage is, or how many amps i run through the motor, even though if they did, they would find it to be 10x the legal maximums, and my drivetrain is essentially only for total motor failure and theatre. I keep my feet moving just enough to keep up the ruse. This abuse of definitions does not bode well if translated to the trails. All this marketing makes it way too easy for me to build up a throttle only "e-bike" with multiple times more power and torque than these current offerings and go out and start hill-climbing my favourite DH tracks, and claiming I am still a mountain biker. People need to figure out what has meaning to them. Electric skateboards are a thing, you do not see Thrasher promoting riding them. They know their roots and have strong convictions about who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. Mountain bikers, and mountain bike media need to do some soul searching.
  • 18 0
 Your skateboard comparison is very interesting. I'd never thought about it that way before. Thanks for that.
  • 4 5
 The skateboard analogy doesn't really work though. As far as i can tell Thrasher doesnt even feature long boards. They operate a very specific magazine and that's fine. I think the Trasher argument would work if we were having this comment string on VitalBMX. These are mountain bikes with batteries. This is a site about every kind of mountain bike, from DH to XC hard tail.
  • 3 0
 @dirktanzarian: Cheers bro. Been interested in the parallels between skateboarding and mtbing for a while now. Thanks to all the youtube videos, there are some great interviews with guys like Andrew Reynolds, Beagle, etc who really give a deep insight into their industry. Skateboarding has been through a lot in the last 30 years (and longer), and I really think the mountain bike industry could benefit from some of the lessons they have learned. Eventually all the tricks/innovations will have been done, and at the end of the day, people will want to support the riders and the affiliated companies whose riding/lifestyle speak most clearly to them. Of course even Tony Hawk was at a time accused of selling out with the video games and corporate sponsorship, but to have Specialized/ Pinkbike / Coastal Crew sell out like this to me just wants me to focus my attention on the companies who stand for what I deem to be more connected to the spirit of the sport.
  • 6 0
 @rewob: Thrasher features primarily Street and Pool, with some Park, Contest skating, and some hill bombing thrown in. I'd say that is enough disciplines to compare to Enduro, DH, Trail, XC. They do not feature long boarding, Pinkbike does not feature Recumbent cycling. The point is to Thrasher, longboarding is NOT skateboarding, nor are electric skateboards skateboarding. But because this is a mtb specific site, Pinkbike is saying that electric motors (and batteries) have a place in mountain biking.
  • 2 1
 @rewob: Well...exactly. Thrasher, and skateboarding in general, has a very narrow and limited view of their sport, which is both good and bad. For whatever reason, us mountain bikers are very accepting of whatever kooky idea comes down the pipeline. Once again, both good and bad. Whatever the case, we sure spend a lot of time debating what "is" and "isn't" "real mountain biking". Wheel size. Wheel width. Number of gears. It's very tiresome.

Skateboarding does not have this problem.
  • 56 4
 e-bike pushers, dumping the responsibility for managing them on overworked, under-appreciated mtb advocacy groups who have busted their asses and been super successful rightfully differentiating non-moto mtbs from motos, and now the industry is giving us the finger and shoving these down our throats.

It's taken us decades to get where we are with tenuous acceptance from hiking and equestrians groups, and the industry seems to have no qualms throwing us to the wolves with these motorized devices. Make no mistakes, when more and more unacceptable user conflict and trail sustainability issues begin to crop up when these become popular, regular non-motorized mountain bikers will pay the price, and where will the industry be then to support us?
  • 5 0
 I wonder what IMBA has to say about e-mtb.
  • 6 2
 Trail sustainability? They are no worse than a regular mtb.
  • 5 3
 @Stampers: really? look at what the proponents are saying in these comments, "ride further, ride longer, ride more". You don't think the ability for more people to ride 2-3x further and more often even on days when they're tired and previously would've not ridden doesn't contribute to wear and tear on trails? What about trails that were previously hard to get to and don't get as much maintenance? now it's easy to get there and newbies are going to skid their heavy e-bikes down trails that have been historically protected by the nature of the challenge to get to them. There are hardly any of these things on the trails yet, but what about when and if 10, 20, 30% of riders are on them? You don't think the dynamic of trail impacts and related maintenance issues will drastically change? Let alone the user conflict and land manager issues? Why should mountain bike advocacy groups who have worked to differentiate ourselves from motorized users for literally decades been forced to be the ones to have to be responsible for them, just because the industry wants to sell more shit?

I'm actively involved in my local club, my 3rd 2 year term, I don't advocate for motorized recreation, I don't help plan and build trails for motorized recreation, lots of people very much like me will not be interested in defending or fighting for these things as they have a very real potential to undermine decades of hard work to gain access and build more trails. The e-bike industry is trying to make money off the hard work of lots of people while not addressing or even attempting to deal with the very real problems a lot of clubs have with these devices.
  • 5 3
 @flipfantasia: ebike riders represent the 1% of the 1% of riders out there. Your fears are based solely on trail access. How big do you really think this market will be?!? Most mortals see ebikes that cost thousands of $ and will just go to a moto for half the price. The sustainability issue is not an issue. ALL these comments come down to one thing only. Trail access.
Anyone on here arguing any other reason for not allowing them on trails is just playing devils advocate using the arguments that the people who object to ALL mountain bike riding like the Sierra Club will use. While its good to do this so you're prepared for those objections at land mgmt board meetings none of the arguments I've seen on here hold any weight or are backed by anything other than wild speculation and couch potato math.
  • 4 2
 I love the overreach that the MTB industry is shoving them down our throats. As if there's some mob presence at every bike shop forcing you to buy an e-bike. If you don't want it, just don't buy it. They're never going to come within miles of replacing a regular mountain bike. Stop with the drama queen victimization.
  • 57 7
 E-bikes are welcome in my book... That is, on their own e-bike designated trail systems, built by their own e-bike users who belong to their own e-bike trail advocacy groups who do all their own e-bike fundraising and who send their own e-bike representatives to attend all local community meetings and who staff and organize their own e-bike skills clinics so people want to ride e-bikes. E-biking is NOT mountain biking and it shouldn't get a free pass to piggyback on the decades of hard work mountain bikers have put in growing their sport.
  • 6 1
 Yes exactly.

are there any parallel scenarios for the hiking world? I imagine they would be up in arms if swarms of people started trying to complete the AT or PCT on segways or those hoverboard devices. . . .or maybe this has already started happening? haha.
  • 2 0
 You're telling the Coastal Crew to dig different trails for their e-bikes?
  • 4 0
 ya i agree stay the fuck off my trails that i built go ride your analog trash somewhere else.
  • 31 6
 I have not tried a Levo yet, but at the shop I work at, we have two for demo. I too am skeptical of them, as was the owner. Since he took one out for a spin, he cant get enough of it, and he's a downhill shredding machine. It may seem different, and stupid, but I think you can't hate on it until you try it. There's a lot of things that make the Levos (and other pedal assist bikes) make sense. If you don't lose anything on the descents, but are able to do an extra 1,2,3 or however many laps a day, how can anyone say its stupid? I especially think that for older people, or those who have ailments that hold them back from riding as they would like, it's an awesome idea.
  • 14 1
 Agreed, I was more sad about the clearcut than the bikes
  • 7 2
 @preach: that's the only thing i was sad about. no care about e-bikes or not... the piles of what used to be the forest made me sad. i understand that logging in the PNW is a sizable part of the economy, and also provides for interesting new trail building potential, but i dunno how outdoors-ey bike people can compartmentalize the two like they seem to do.
  • 4 0
For us it's actually PSW, not PNW ... While we will always have a bromance with the US, we are still sovereign.

I agree with the flavor of your assessment though. I recall 'debating' with someone while riding trails on Mt Doug in Victoria; pedestrian was trying to tell me that mountain biking on those trails was akin to destroying the environment... ignoring the fact that housing developments and a golf course surround the area. Conveniently ignoring that a lot of those trails were started by dirt bikes way back in the day. Funny how interest groups focus on getting things just the way they want. I guess that includes us MTBers too. Hmmm, maybe I need time for some self-reflection...
  • 1 0
 @andyk: Preach it, andy. And yeah it's all about working together and being transparent. There's a lot of us vs them in these comments meaning mtbers vs other user groups.
  • 1 0
 @andyk: How about we all make a New Year's Resolution to say 'hi' to more people on the trails and slow down for other users (except ebikers cuz i can't catch those bastards!).
  • 24 0
 It's kind if like fishing at the fish hatchery. You catch a ton of fish but . . . . .
  • 1 0
 That made me laugh.
  • 31 13
 Only places I see these being justifiable for off road is the "trail centers" that essentially are downhill/freeride parks but are not built with a vehicle service road to the top for shuttling. Pedal up the access trail to drop in on all the big stuff.

But still, I didn't read the fact that it was e-bikes at first. I watched the video and thought it looked slower and more boring than their usual videos. Then when I saw it was e-bikes, I warched it again and realized they can't get those things off the ground. They're both yanking as hard as they can to leave the ground. Most of that video they can't pop simple stuff. So, we're back to 1998 boat anchor bikes.

I'm sorry, but if you bring an e-bike into Pisgah National Forest as your ride for the day, you're not accomplishing anytthing. If you're getting old (which I am) and can't get as far as the next guy with your own 2 legs, just ACCEPT IT!

The world doesn't owe you extra miles and you shouldn't be allowed to BUY extra miles with an e-bike. As it is, we're lucky regular mountain bikes haven't been booted out of the forests. E-bikes stand to get ALL knobbies blocked from access.
  • 2 0
 Or even if there is an access road. The point that you can basically shuttle yourself up is interesting. If someone was to use the e-bike motor simply up the road then ride it down with the motor off I can't fault them for that.
  • 16 0
 Levos are really fun bikes, but I think it is probably best if they stay on motorized-designated trails. Here in Montana and Idaho, we are losing some of our best trails to the anti-MTB Wilderness proponents and e-bikes just give them more ammo to argue that bikes don't belong on "their" hiking trails. As for me, if I am going to ride a motorcycle I'd rather ride a dirt-bike with a gas engine that puts out some real power.
  • 5 10
flag biker245 (Dec 15, 2016 at 8:22) (Below Threshold)
 on the flip side, if we get more non-biking people onto e-bikes and on the trails having fun they may start fighting to keep the trails too. what if a hiker didn't MTB and didn't have time to train 3-5 days a week to be able to ride the stuff they hike and they were against bikes on trails becasue they didn't know the fun you could have. Then they got an e-bike and it allowed them to explore the trails more, could we then gain additional people on our side getting us MORE trails?
  • 6 0
 @biker245: Dotson you really WANT the person who thinks they should only see the woods from an assisted, electric motor vehicle that costs $3k is the person you want to f*cking advocate with you? He'll no.
  • 2 2
 you've never tried a levo
  • 4 0
 @lonespin: I've never smoked a cigarette either.
  • 19 1
 I wonder if you can charge your e-Cig off your e-bike, that had e-thirteen tires on it.... that you got off e-bay??
  • 7 1
 dont mix e-13 stuff with all this bs lol
  • 3 0
 @hardyk: you have a point. Hah
  • 20 3
 Meanwhile...elsewhere in Canada...James Doerfling is eying up his next big descent. Coastal crew on E-bikes...WTF?
  • 19 3
 no below threshold yet? come on guys. pathetic effort.
  • 1 12
flag torero (Dec 15, 2016 at 6:18) (Below Threshold)
 Shut up!
  • 4 2
 @torero: lol hope that's a sincere effort there just for the simplicity.
  • 19 1
 specialized has their whole staff upvoting pro-ebike comments probably
  • 3 3
 SELL OUTS...!!!
  • 20 9
 I would like to know what the bike companies are doing with to research trail erosion concerns and to set laws to ensure we don't end up creating more access issues here in the states. If that work isn't done it is irresponsible to sell these bikes in the market. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  • 14 5
 Oh lord... if you have ever ridden one then you'd understand they are no different than a regular mtb with regards to erosion...just ride one and you'll understand
  • 6 3
 Soil erosion? So you've never skidded down a trail?
  • 52 39
 this is sad, I used to look up t these guys, now they ride ugly bikes for fat people for money
  • 53 23
 What is sad is that seemingly for the last 6 months according to your profile at least, anything you have had to say on any article or topic has been negative, to the point of childishness. You're 25. There's still time to open the mind up a little.
  • 26 21
 Nope, I'm totally with voyd. Maybe I'm a luddite. Maybe I'm a puritan. I don't know. But seeing people in the woods, in nature, without a motor, having fun, makes me happy and seeing people in the woods, in nature, having fun or otherwise, but feeling the need to have computers and electronics with them to do it, just makes me a little bit sad. Its the same with Di2, eTap, and Strata; they just make me a little bit sad.
  • 45 4
 @Ozziefish: sweet GoPro's on your page man btw..
  • 15 9
 How dare they earn their paycheck!? I agree that these dudes should just ride and put out videos for free. Paying for food? Eff that noise. They can beg on the corner in between races and videos. That'll show the industry who's boss. Voyd is boss.
  • 5 5
 @nickkk I just expressed my opinion, don't be so butt hurt it's embarrassing, why do you think Norbs left?
  • 4 0
 @nickkk: Bahahaha,
  • 6 5
 @voyd: I've no idea but i'd imagine it has nothing to do with e bikes or Specialized's current involvement in that area. And 'butthurt'? look at your first comment,- projecting your disappointment onto your 'hero's' as if they should feel responsible for just making an advert for e bikes, when its quite clearly their job to do so. "ugly bikes for fat people for money" is embarrassing and makes us ALL look bad. There's better ways to make your point.
  • 2 3
 @nickkk: thanks man, I suppose it goes to show, whatever and however we are riding, we are all here for the riding Salute
  • 4 2
 I can't even
  • 3 1
 Facepalm. I get it. Was surprised given how shit the riding is... checkmate.
  • 3 1
 @Ozziefish: you've taken it in good humour though, tip of the hat to you. Wink
  • 2 0
 @nickkk: nah pal, tip of the hat to you! You got me good there XD
  • 11 1
 I found the "music" more annoying than the fact they're riding an ebike. I rode a Levo and I have to say I went from a staunch ebike "hater" to absolutely loving, at least this one. There will be no trail destruction from riding one of these bikes. It's pedal ASSIST not crack the throttle and throw a 20 ft roost. lol If you ever have an opportunity to ride one you'll be doing yourself a favour taking it. I guarantee it.
  • 6 4
 The pedaling part is just cosmetic, though. These are still motorized (pedal-able) bicycles, just with a funny means of activating the throttle. The question we need to answer is:

Where is the dividing line between a light weight electric motorcycle, a 'pedal assist' electric motorcycle, and a pedal assist e-bike?
  • 1 0
  • 9 0
 I noticed while seeing the video, that you can totally see the extra weight that comes with an ebike and how the riders try to fight the inertia. Especially while bunnyhopping. But this proves another major point, that pros are able to shred every existing bike there is, just with their unendless talent. I hardly doubt anyone of us could manage to ride with this extra weight so flawlessly.
  • 12 3
 Dunkerton: "This is a subject that I'm not too comfortable getting into"

I think this is a really lazy way to avoid a serious question about e-bikes. Clearly he supports them somewhat, but I don't think the Coastal Crew just get to take their advertising check and ignore the implications of the material produced.

I think the Coastal Crew does a lot of great things, and the riding in this video is impressive, but it makes avoid a discussion isn't going to help anyone.
  • 13 1
 The sponsorship is strong in this one.
  • 10 3
 Love all the sheep on here that have changed their tune on eBikes now that a bunch of their freeride heroes have been paid to ride one. When it was a fat rich guy with a "disability" riding one it wasn't so cool.You people are the lowest of the low.

I guess the long term plan is for Specialized to become an eBike company and get out of mountain bikes. Because there is no future in mountain biking if these catch on. They will destroy the trails and ultimately be banned everywhere.

Glad to see the same cheerleaders here posting the same asto-turfed drivel about how great ebikes are have showed up in force.

Why does mountain biking have to be accessible? Why do we have to make it easy? Why do we need more people doing it?
  • 9 1
 "Why does mountain biking have to be accessible? Why do we have to make it easy? Why do we need more people doing it?"

^ This. Exactly this.
  • 2 0
 @mikelevy: I feel exactly the same way. Ultimately one of the best feelings about reaching the top of a particularly ambitious trail or getting through a terrifying descent is knowing that not everyone can do it, but that I am one of the few that is able.
  • 4 1
 Umm, 90% of the comments here are against e bikes. Most of which haven't ridden one. Who are the sheep then???
  • 1 2
 @mikelevy: "Why do we need more people doing it?" Because it is fun? Because it would help trail advocasy? Because it would make a better world?
  • 3 0
 @mikelevy: Don't lighter, more stable bikes with better gearing and suspension make riding tech stuff easier as well? Your product reviews don't quite seem to reflect much hate against these.
  • 1 1
 It was better when "they" hated us.
  • 2 0
 @TigerNF: eBike riders are going to want eBike trails, not mountain bike trails. The person who comes in to the sport riding an eBike is going to have a much different perspective on what is good for mountain biking and I would argue that it isn't one that is good for the long term future of the sport.
  • 1 0
 @wibblywobbly: I only expect them to be able to ride steeper more tech climbs so maybe they want to ride these to enjoy the challenge and to cut some time on the uphills. But I wouldn't expect the rest to be any different. Just because they're apparently better at cornering wouldn't mean I don't enjoy these corners on my regular mtb as well.
  • 1 0
 @wibblywobbly: Just saying we do need more people riding mtb and bikes in general.
  • 14 8
 I had one to test for about a week and the cornering really is insane! I had the 6Fattie version, though, which I think is a great idea for an E-Bike as it is pretty heavy anyway and you have the motor to help you get up, so the added weight and rolling resistance doesn't matter and it makes the bike soooo grippy!

It could never replace my Enduro bike, but it's another kind of bike, I have a DJ-Bike, Enduro, DH-Bike, Roadbike... why not an E-Bike?
  • 10 0
 i was hoping for answers to why norbs left.
  • 5 0
 Really disappointed that Levy didn't ask. Even this shitty ebike plug isn't as stupid of a decision as getting rid of Norbs.
  • 13 2
 fuck this
  • 7 1
 This is a seriously dorky move, and I thought you were supposed to be cool.... wow. I'm surprised you had the balls to film yourselves doing style-moves on them in a non-parody type video.. Where's Ed Masters when you need him! Electric motor-bikes at their current power output are not necessarily trail killers but they're a moped and oh-so-close to a "normal" motorbike, a power increase, a throttle controlled by a twist grip/paddle/lever vs pedal rotation and now you have a dirt bike. If power output were to increase year by year similar to other bike tech then there ya go.. On the roads I don't see an issue just like any other motor-bike or sweet moped (perhaps on bicycle designated paths), but on mtn bicycle designated trails is where I do see a problem. Maybe they should be called fire-road motorbikes and marketed for exploring the backwoods forestry roads. If your keen for a bike with a motor on 'er, pickup a nice 2-stroke enduro bike and go enjoy some dirtbike trails. If you want low power get a small one. I have a motocross bike and she's a hell of a time, but I ride it at a track, not down A-Line.
  • 5 0
 1. Do they look fun? YES!
2. Do they have a monopoly on fun? NO WAY
3. Do we need them? NO
4. Is there a reasonable risk that they will result in limitations on overall MTB trail access: YES
5. Is the overall risk worth it? Not from my perspective

I suspect that their profitability ensures their survival, so we had better start thinking up ways to help policy makers distinguish these ever-more-blurred lines to ensure we can all get along.
  • 5 0
 Nice try. The main reason you guys of the coastal crew re riding this e- bike is because you re getting paid for it. Victims of the industry describes it pretty well... oh and- of course every one likes good shredding videos- with normal bikes. If i wanna watch some powered rides, i watch Motocross vids.
  • 12 3
 Jesus Christ. Everyone needs to chill out and go ride their damn bikes.
  • 4 10
flag Gfromars (Dec 15, 2016 at 11:09) (Below Threshold)
 I don't understand all this hate for ebikes, if you don't like don't buy'em stop! I don't know why people always have to criticize your minds and go ride your damn bike!
  • 5 0
 If specialized put as much time and energy into trail access and development as they did with their dirt bikes maybe I'd believe they have good intentions. But they didnt and therefore I can only conclude they are in this to make a quick buck and in doing so fucking over the rest of us who have worked so hard over so many years to gain access to America's greenspaces.
  • 11 2
 If Wade Simmons was'nt still alive, he'd roll over in his grave.
  • 6 1
 Yay, now PB is trying to shove this abomination down our throats Smile
Fortunately, i think this obviously semi scripted sellout of a clip failed to bypass the gag factor of most readers here.

Don't take me wrong- i go bananas for Coastal Crew clips!!! However (not surprisingly) this ebike section is probably the weakest and most mellow clip they ever produced. I appreciate the fact that they need to play the marketing game for their sponsor, but i just don't buy it...

go ahead, downvote me to hell Smile
  • 17 13
 Keep your f***ing motorcycles off our trails. They will result in lost access to trails in the western US. This video is a great reason to never buy from spesh. I hope the dudes enjoy spending the (likely not very large) check they got for this and put some of it in to trail advocacy in areas where the ability to ride great single-track took hard work to achieve.
  • 4 0
 That being said, e-bikes to get around town or tour the country, do it to it.

Heck, there is even the slippery slope of "Allowed on gravel roads only". Well, guess what, then e erroneous will just push to get all trails turned to gravel so they can have more access for theit e-bikes.
  • 8 0
 I feel like I was just tricked into watching an Ebike video.
  • 4 0
 Pinkbike is a commercial website - thought you knew!
  • 7 1
 They are Specialized shills. Specialized is pushing all there dealers/riders/employees to sell these lame ass things. It's all about $$$.
  • 5 0
 @OnTheRivet People need to eat and pay utilities. A lot of us don't work for perfect companies (except me) and have to serve The Master to survive. There is no Utopia, but the CC seems to have found a way to do life like 99.5 percent of us do NOT do life. No hard feels, kids.

Oh, and F*ck ebikes
  • 5 0
 I don't know about you guys, but where I'm from 99% of our trails state "No Motorized Vehicles" that easily rules out an e-bike. I have absolutely zero interest in e-bikes, enough with the commercials.
  • 6 0

if these creatures hatch and start to multiply, it will destroy our sport as we know it.

Well, In a nutshell Smile
  • 4 0
 “A lot of people are buying e-bikes, however, but it seems as though not many of them appear to be too vocal about it here on Pinkbike.”
Probably because most are not “mountain bike enthusiasts” of the type that read about mountain biking.

“…major brands have told me that e-bikes sales are surpassing combined mountain bike sales numbers, which makes me simultaneously sad and mystified.”
Mystification is only warranted if those are REPLACING large numbers of regular mountain bike sales. But what would those people have been buying if e-bikes didn’t exist? Carbon DH bikes? (I don’t think so.) $500 hardtails?

“they zoom up the climbs leaving you puffing away, how long until you give in?”
Never - because it would tempt me no more than if they were zooming up the climbs on dirt bikes.
  • 7 1
 Don't want no damn snowboarders on my hill! They gonna kill someone. Sound familiar?
  • 11 4
 Riding an e bike is the equivalent of aid climbing a 5.7.
  • 4 0
 e-bikes are kind of like a pandoras box with regards to trail access and perception from other trail users. it could be vary bad for bicycles as a whole. Only time will tell, cool video, but a little tainted in my opinion.
  • 4 1
 Maybe the turbo levo is different but the other e bikes at the shop I work at are far too powerful. You put one pedal in o them and they shoot forward. They become mopeds at this point but instead of a twist or thumb throttle it is activated by pedals. I could be on board with e bikes if they drastically reduce the power of them.
  • 5 0
 Unfortunately the power is sure to only go up from here. And how long before customers grow tired of pedaling to activate the power and throttles start showing up? Even Dunkerton admits there are times you would want the power decoupled from the pedaling (ladder bridge drop).
  • 1 0
 I totally agree. The only way I can see e-bikes getting official stamps of approval is with serious restrictions on power and throttle activation, for example pedal-assist only and with some low power cap. Otherwise, practically speaking, these things are mopeds with a silly throttle.
  • 1 0
 @WaterBear: I agree. But its already restricted. All popular e mtn bikes have about 1/3 of 1 HP that is only activated when pedaling. They also have a 20 MPH assist limit.
  • 10 3
 Friends don't let friends e-bike.
  • 7 1
 Just marketing.. Pretty smart of specialized actually. Now go out and spend a few grand kids since you saw a cool video
  • 3 0
 Funny - while watching, before i read that they were ebikes i was trying to figure out what kind of bikes they were because they looked heavy based on the way they were riding. They still shredded, but you could definitely tell they were having to labor them around a bit.
  • 7 0
 Now that PB is hating, I am loving!
  • 3 3
  • 4 1
 If you don't like it... don't buy it! Saw the same level of hate for 29ers several years ago.

I have an ebike for commuting to work (250km x 3600m vert per week) and I can say they are super heavy and will never replace a good traditional mountain bike... you'll run out of battery before you get a good epic ride in and you'll sacrifice your ride quality immensely. So quite your belly-aching and go ride your bike!
  • 6 0
 I could have sworn there was a NO E-BIKE media coverage policy on this site. hmm. #paytoplay
  • 3 0
 Our local trails are "non motoriized only" so if they want to build motorized bike trails then they can ask the land managers/owners and then fill their boots. Motorized is motorized no matter what form. And i don' t quite understand the logic of some people commenting on how they love to do the long "epic" rides which is usually an indicator of doing it for the work out challenge i would think, and then say this would make it easier for them because long rides are tiring OMG!!!
  • 3 0
 Personally, I am not a fan of these types of bikes. I feel like, for most of the people on this website, having one of these bikes in your quiver is nothing more than an expensive novelty at best. If you are really passionate about riding, I don't imagine this will be the first thing you grab off the wall unless you are going out with the sole purpose of torquing people who tout their Strava KOM's.

Admittedly...I considered buying a Turbo at one point...I thought it would be cool to commute back and forth to work since there are a couple 55 mph roads with minimal shoulder. Then I was told it was 7K. I drove down the street to the moto dealership and bought a KTM Duke 690 for a grand more.

To each his own. I think these types of bikes are more appropriate for commuting because cars are faster and bigger than you. I do not think they are appropriate for trail riding. I think these types of bikes open the door for inexperienced out of shape riders to ride shared access trails at speeds they are to inexperienced to control. I'm not talking about Dylan or Curtis...they could ride anything with 2 wheels better than 99% of the ppl on here.

In my opinion, which doesn't mean anything, if the use of these becomes more widespread, it's only a matter of time before we start to lose trail access...and I don't think it will be because of erosion concerns...I think it is going to be due to someone going through a mid life crisis, buying one of these things and hurting either themselves or someone else then attempting to sue the land owner...or maybe specialized. Once the lawsuits start the trail access will stop (least here in the states because, that is what every stupid a-hole here does when they f up...try and sue someone for their stupidity).
  • 3 0
 At what point do we just take the hint and move to motors? I am pretty sure these come in 2 and 4 stroke and when the battery runs out on them you just put more magic liquid into them. Also I am pretty sure that when a trail says no motorized vehicles it means electric also. I really am not getting the ebike thing at all.
  • 3 0
 "It is just not safe to have vehicle and bicycle traffic operating on the same road." Hmm, safe or not, in the world I live in, that happens all the time on almost every road. :s

I'm not yielding to anyone with a motorbike on non-motorized trails, ever.

If you have a motor, you should be hitting bigger shit.

Spec' applied pressure or they didn't, you felt it either way because one way or another, especially with a company like Spec, you're doin' it, or you're out.
  • 3 0
 they see em rolling... they hatin...
change the subject "ebike" in your sentences to "freeride" and later "enduro" and later "650b" and here you go, you have a time travel from 1999 to 2014.

guys grow up. its all about fun. and these toys can be a lot of fun!
  • 4 0
 My take home message here is that if I want the downhill benefits of an e-bike without the uphill crutch, I should just weld 500 grams of steel under by bottom bracket.
  • 1 0
 Years ago Chris Porter did actually place weights on his team riders' frames to optimise weight distribution..
  • 3 1
 @bonkywonky: he's still taping lead to his frame years later!. It's to improve the sprung/unsprung weight ratio. When you ride an ebike, you can feel the suspension working much better than a normal bike. With a good setup on a fast downhill, it feels like a Baja truck, the frame levelled and the suspension working overtime.
  • 1 0
 @paulaston: thanks for clearing this up, I thought it was purely for centering the weight.
  • 2 0
 Da*. Burn fat not oil. Progression of e bikes is inevitable. "Mountain bikers" are going to become less and less fit as time goes on because of these electric dirt bikes. Theres not enough room on the *ucking earth for these things. Yeah these things are electric but the e bike world domination is still going to trash the planet and people that much more, therefore ending earths lifespan much faster.

few brews in but for real e bikes are only going to benefit delusions. My opinion.
  • 4 2
 What's the point in having a video showing a pedal assist bike when they're not actually pedalling? All the benefits of this bike would have been felt during the bits between shots when they had to pedal back up! I'm not 100% against E-bikes- I can see arguments for their use. It would have been good to have filmed some of the good points rather than the DH part where it's basically a hindrance.
  • 5 2
 I think the point is, you can use the motor to drag you up a boring fore road and then shred down without too much hindrance. Which is showing the other side to what you would use them for, in your example.
  • 1 0
 @Justmatthew: I just would have liked to see them being pedalled to see the potential gains from having it. This vid is arguing that the hindrance isn't too bad rather than showing how good they are for what they're designed for. I gained no clue about how good these bikes are at doing what they were designed to do.
  • 1 0
 I think maybe they were a little embarassed.
  • 7 2
 LOL - "It is just not safe to have vehicle and bicycle traffic operating on the same road."
  • 4 2
 He probably means the specific road they use for the uplift at their park which is likely a narrow logging road only just wide enough for the uplift truck.
  • 1 0
 I had to read that one twice, too.
  • 10 7
 This makes me sad. It is so wrong to see THE Coastal Crew on electric motor bikes. It would be the same as seeing Semenuk abandoning MTB and focusing on road bikes and spandex.
  • 6 4
 eBikes are the Trump of the bicycle world. No one admits to having liked him but half the US voted for him. I was very anti e-bikes till I rode an awesome e-fatty (real fatty not 3.0) - it was insane. I want one that crushes the down hills - it would be awesome to shuttle yourself up a few times. Call me lazy.
  • 2 1
 That's what I'm talking about. If some XC guy has a passion for pain and likes to climb for hours, he is not the one who will have fun with an Ebike.
  • 10 4
 Fuck that! I'm not watching this!
  • 12 6
 No. Just No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no & no.
  • 2 0
 In before the pinkbike turbo levo test where they will probably write stuff like "climbs like no other mtb", "shreds on the downhill like the best of the other enduro bikes".

I have nothing against battery powered cars (I do love hybrid racing cars and such) but on a mountain bike? Nah
  • 6 0
 shouldn't this be on
  • 4 2
 Hmmmmm. An ebike is a trail moped! sorry i dont get it! the whole idea of mountain biking is the rider, the bike and the trail! The rider learning to control and ride the bike to make it do want thr rider wants! Ebike are just another way of the bike industry making money.
  • 4 2
 Instead of starting off with an attitude of exclusion, start off with inclusion and what it means to work from that point of view. Also before knocking it, give it an honest try and decide. The hundreds of discussions above add no value other then conplaining and screaming. Sounds like we are talking about race, politics or religion when it shouldn't sound like that.

You guys are sound like this. Lets short circuit this attitude to anything that is "different."
  • 10 8
 I have a friend who weighs 1,000 pounds, eats burgers all day, and has his dad shuttle him to the top of a road so he can ride his DH rig down a trail. His dad shuttles him about 5 times per day on Saturday and Sunday.

Is my fat friend mountain biking?

If you answered Yes, then riding an e-bike up and down same trail is also mountain biking. Don't change the definition just so you can win your little internet and trailhead arguments.

I understand if you don't like e-bikes because your ego can't handle getting passed on an uphill by my fat friend; but don't take it out on a old-timey mountain biker who had hip surgery and just wants to ride his bike, like you and me.
  • 4 0
 Ah.... now you're talking American!!! Legislation to require special permits for ebike use! You have to be old or suffering from arthritis for it to be legal!
  • 2 1
 Maybe if that guy did'nt always get a shuttle in the first place, he would'nt weigh 1000 lbs. therefore making your argument for ebikes invalid. The people rest.
  • 1 0
 @DJ-24: Maybe there's no road to the top and he's medically unable to lose weight. An e-bike can get him into mountain biking.

"F him! Tough luck, fat boy!" is that what you're implying?
  • 7 0
 Ebikes are for squids
  • 6 2
 Ugh, Specialized ads always feel so forced. They seem like the only bike brand that can't convincingly fake having fun and loving the sport.
  • 8 2
 It has a motor. It's motorized
  • 7 0
 F**k that S**t
  • 4 2
 Having ridden a Levo myself, I think that they hit the nail on the head that all bikes are fun. Also, agree completely with the fact that pedal assist is WAY different than a throttle equipped bike. They really don't turn up trails at all, as they turn only as hard as you pedal. The biggest negative is when the battery dies, which mine did on my ride, as the things are heavy as fook! Pedalling it back with no juice, well, sucks.
  • 2 0
 Webhead, I agree that PAS is different than a throttle. The issue is that a) controllers can be modified to have throttles, and b) they are limited for power on the road, but I have yet to see similar regulation off road. The combination of those two issues together is what leads us from e-MTB to e-moto. If you don't believe that this is of interest, please read this link: . So long as they can be regulated for power (see LukeMech's comments for his experience) and remain pedal assist only, there's probably a way to have us all get along. My fear is that those two conditions won't be met.
  • 2 1
 @DMOS: come on now, stretching now... the number of people who are going to buy a pedal assist e-bike like a Levo and then modify it is going to be pretty small. I really think it's going to take a long time before this could ever become an issue, and that has a lot to do with the cost factor on the bike.
  • 2 0
 Someone needs to sit down with these manufacturers and explain what could happen if e- bikes become really popular but result in trail closures for pedal powered bikes as well as ebikes. All of a sudden the market is dead for off road bikes. Any one with a little foresight can see tensions brewing even in North Van. It's crowded out there and there have been a few reported confrontations between riders and hikers. How many unreported instances? Current munipal council are in favour of riding. Future council might be less so. Hikers have been hiking forever. Bikers on trails are still the new kid. We still need to be careful.
  • 2 0
 Keep calm E-bikes haters, soon in a near future lithium won't be available anymore to make batteries because the Earth doesn't have enough ressources for that. Probably steam mountain bikes will appear and you'll have a new goat to spit on Smile
  • 2 1
 I'm also still skeptical about Ebikes ans I haven't tried one yet. I think you should keep in mind what you expect from riding your bike. If your main goal is to have fun on the descends, I don't see the problem. I often don't really enjoy pedaling uphill because this is not what I'm into when it comes to riding bikes. Sure, a nice technical climb can be a lot of fun (without Ebike), but these endless exhausting fireroad climbs just to get a short descend are situations when I would like to try an Ebike. In my opinion, people shuttling with anything other than a DH bike are far worse than guys pedaling an Ebike up the hill. I understand that using a shuttle is neccesary for certain trails or bikes that are not suitable to pedal up a hill. For anything other than that, it is just lazyness and not ok, because it pollutes the environment.
  • 4 3
 For me e-bikes are NOT bikes and should not be allowed on any bike trails. I own and ride a dirtbike often and its just whole different sport. Being able to get to the top of a trail without much effort totally changes the essence of what it is to ride a bicycle. E-bikes lack everything that make riding a bike special. I hate to use a cilche but they have no soul
  • 3 1
 This is a total marketing campaign move, look at the end of the video with Specialized's credentials all over it. Hey sometimes you have to go to the dark side if your employer asks you too.
  • 5 3
 I don't doubt that ebikes are fun. But GTFO with these things, they're effectively motos, no matter how you spin it. I'm incredibly tired of having the industry try to force feed me this BS.
  • 6 1
 Incredibly lame, hate seeing these things on trails
  • 2 1
 Interesting comments, E-bikes will have a place in our sport. I used to do bike sales and E-bikes gave a lot of people opportunity to get around and explore wether it be a assist or all motor. I for one am not against it but they all have a place.
  • 8 7
 Wow, this is the first PB article on e-bikes where the comment section remained quite reasonable. Until I write this at least.

I came across two major points against e-bikes in these comment sections.

1. They'd be for lazy unfit people with too much money and lack of skill. If that were true, the same could be said for an efficient lightweight bike. I haven't heard anyone say that about these.

2. They'd damage the trails. I'd be interested in some research to back that up. Compare it to these super light gearings of late (SRAM Eagle and third party expander sprockets) and see which cause more erosion on technical climbs.

What I would see as an advantage is that when you go to big steep terrain with a buddy, you don't need to take turns shuttling. You can both ride up as well as down. And you can go places where shuttling simply isn't possible.

That said, it is not for me. I do see the advantages for sure but if I'd have more money, there'd be other stuff I'd upgrade first before even thinking of an e-bike and expensive battery replacements. And for my fitness and trails, it simply doesn't make sense.
  • 1 1
 I think it's mostly a case of image IMO, I still see e-bikes as something my mum would ride (although probably not like in this video). As for the unfit argument, it enables people to get in the woods who would otherwise sit on the couch. Fitter people who might as well use a regular bike can either climb just as fast/steep as they normally would but with less effort, or go way faster/steeper with the same effort..I think I know what I would do, like any 'real' mountainbiker.

The biggest drawback is the battery, a big day out in the woods would probably mean a couple of reloads, which take pretty long and require a loading station, which isn't a common sight in the woods.
  • 1 0
 @bonkywonky: Agreed on the recharging issue. I'd say it is similar to running out of fuel for the car that does the shuttling. If you really need that much energy for the ride up that a single battery wouldn't be sufficient for a days' riding, one solution would be to get a second battery, store it in the car (f you used that to get to the trails) and swap batteries halfway the day.

Interestingly as comments got more like those in previous e-bike topics, I got more downvotes Wink . Admittedly I forgot one major argument here which are trail access issues in North America. It seems like mountainbiking has become established to the extend that the feel like, similar to hikers and horse back riders, they can ward off newcomers off the trails and let them start with nothing. Did the klunkers back in the day first negotiate access and start digging their own trails before they decided "hey, let's ride bicycles down these". I must have missed that.

It is similar to when I was riding a mountain unicycle (MUni) at the hiking trails in the dunes. As an unpowered vehicle that can't be defined as a bicycle (as it has fewer than two wheels) a unicycle by law should be considered a pedestrian. So I could ride these nice technical hiking trails, or so I thought. Greeted everyone politely, adapted my pace if I was passing people and dismounted if it was too tight or to not scare the bigger animals on the trails. Greeted the rangers, still no problem. Pace is similar to a fit trail runner, trail erosion is minimal as you only roll and it is hard to sustain a skid. Have been doing that for two years until I was stopped by a ranger on a trail section with no one else around. He said I wasn't allowed to ride there. I explained I should be considered a pedestrian (similar to a wheelchair or child stroller which technically ride as well) so I should be fine on these hiking trails. There were no signs it was prohibited and there trail damage wasn't even close to what a hiker would cause. He said the road laws don't apply to these trails and they can't prohibit everything separately. But as I should always follow orders by a ranger, it was prohibited right there. Not for something explicable or predictable, but just because it was different from what he'd seen before.

So that's what we're having here. We know that light gearing is more likely to spin out on climbs and cause erosion as such, but PB loves Eagle. But for trail erosion it really doesn't matter if you're getting 200W more through electronic pedal assist or because you're a stronger rider. As I mentioned earlier, I'd like to see a comparison. Most likely to cause erosion is pushing your bike up a slippery steep bit.
  • 5 2
 why not get an electric dirt bike? balanced much better more suspension and power. I like dirt bikes but e downhill / all mountain bikes have me confused?
  • 2 1
 It's only confusing because you activate the throttle by pedaling. If it had a normal throttle, there'd be no difference between an 'e-mtb' and a moped.
  • 5 0
 Did I just miss it in the video, or when did they jump over the shark?
  • 4 3
 I know there's alot of young people on here and that means some of the comments are, well, immature. Honestly, I'm not crazy about trails being cluttered with people too lazy to earn their turns and trail access getting clamped down because of these. That being said, some of you sound like the same people who think mountain biking is a fringe sport for mad men and want to deny us access and public funds. This is happening weather we like it or not so lets see this as an opportunity for growing our community. Plus remember, some day we will all be old and this will be a great way to stay riding longer. Plus, just imagine how many people might be commuting to work or around their communities on these? how cool would that be? Way better for the environment too! Still not buying one, just sayin.
  • 1 0
 You have some points; One addition. I looked into adding an electric motor to my road bike; There are far cheaper ways to do it than buying an e-mtb. What makes e-mtb special is the pedal assist notion.
  • 4 1
 I've ridden a Harley, and I've ridden an ebike, and they're different. Therefore an ebike clearly is not a motorcycle. Fantastic logic.
  • 1 0
  • 6 2
 Something in this video makes me mad for some reason.... Cant put my finger on what it is though.
  • 3 2
 The honesty is refreshing.
  • 2 1
 Not just e-bikes but technology is being rammed down our throats everywhere! My car has more computer controlled shit than a fighter jet. Everyone is glued to their smartphone, we need an app or a smart watch to take out the garbage. That being said there are pluses and minuses to everything. I guess just like everyone else I'm still figuring out what they are. I know one computers are taking over and I'm not a big fan.
  • 2 1
 houghts on the idea of e-bikes:

The Levo comes stock with a Revalation fork and NX group and chimes in at $6200 retail CAD. Unless this is your only bike, not too many people are going to be considering adding this as a second bike. With the added weight, there will need to be a burlier version of this (w/Pike or Lyrik, better drive train, dropper, carbon version obvs). So a version for someone who rides hard will clock minimum 10K. This pushes it out of reach for most.

Part of the reason bikes have gotten so much better is because they are lighter and stiffer then they have ever been to push over terrain. The weight of e-bikes sets that scale back about 10 years. Assuming these are 45? lbs, they can't handle as well on tech downs.

All fine on the access part of things, wanting to ride longer and farther, but the idea of allowing any kind of a motorized assist will just allow other aspects of motors (throttle) to slowly creep in down the line.

To me, it's just another way to push a 10K price point. There's enough bikes like that. Bikes need to get cheaper if companies want to sell more. Giant produces great entry level bikes at around $3K or less (look at the 2017 Trance 2, outstanding bike for the price). That will get way more people into the sport then trying to get as much money out of a bike purchase as possible.
  • 8 2
 Sorry guys no
  • 5 0
 Levo bikes must not be selling as well as Specialized had hoped...
  • 6 0
 So sad
  • 8 2
 fuck specialized
  • 4 0
 The power to ride more trails? Seems like most trails i ride will be off limits to Ebikes....
  • 5 1
 Personally just very disappointed. But I guess it's good for Dylan's fat ass
  • 5 0
 The standup paddle board of Mountain biking ! xo
  • 1 0
 hahahaha no doubt
  • 1 0
 Had another thought on this. A reason that hikers don't hate horses as much as that there's less conflict with the way they use the trails. Horses and hikers are both slow, and don't pose great danger to each other. On the other hand hikers hate bikers more because, as a hiker, you're slowly climbing a steep approach to a hairpin turn you can't see around and then suddenly some rad mtb'er comes flying downhill at tremendous speed. You see him in time and doge him, then think 'man he could hurt somebody.'

The same thing is true with mtb vs. e-mtb! e-bikers can conceivably go uphill or over flat ground significantly faster. With things the way they are now it's not a huge difference. But add a few hundred (or thousand) watts to that pedal assist and suddenly e-bikes are using the trails in a significantly different way than mtb's, and conflict can arise.

Just thinking about why we have the feelings we do about "whether an e-mtb is a mtb." There is a dividing line, somewhere.
  • 1 0
 E-bikes might not find a very warm reception in the MTB community, but as an alternative to driving your car to work, e-bikes are legit amazing. If more people had e-bikes and used them as an alternate to driving as much, we'd all be looking at a massive decrease in carbon emissions. Sure, mountain biking on sweet ass trails on an e-bike is a bit unsavory, but as a replacement for driving places they're more economical, better for the environment and wildly convenient. There's a time and place for e-bikes, this might just not be either.
  • 2 1
 I think E bikes serve a purpose, I don't think this is their best application but they are a great option for beginner/older riders who just want to get out and enjoy some trails.
  • 1 0
 How old?
  • 1 0
 @DJ-24: It's just a number, I guess when one starts to fall off trail rides
  • 4 0
 wicked looking trail and smooth ass riding
  • 2 2
 If you let e mountain bikes ride where mountain bikers have been riding and maintaining trails, dirt bikes will not be that far behind because e mountain bikes are motorized. Even where I ride every once in a while we have to tell a dude on dirt bike that motorized vehicles are not allowed on this mountain. There are signs stating this at entrances. E mountain bikes need to have their own area to ride.
  • 2 0
 Nah. That's a silly slippery slope argument that wont come true. Shitheads on dirt bikes will be shitheads whether or not people buy pedal assist bikes.
  • 8 8
 Again, amazed at the level of attention this technology is receiving, especially in the states. A testament to the weight of the change to our sport and the industry these bikes are delivering. The tech is revolutionary and this reaction is rightfully deserved. Our sport is changing.

I'll be boastful and state that I am a very passionate and experienced 2 wheel rider/athlete around my community. I work in the industry, I race moto, I race EWS events, I race Word Cups, I teach and coach new and aspiring riders, I build trail, I stand on advocacy boards and I could go on... More than anything these days I seek to grow and share the sport with as many people as possible as it has given so much to me.

Now on to the topic at hand. I want nothing to do with "eBikes" on my mtb trails. If it has a throttle it doesn't belong on non-motorized trails. Now for the kicker, I own a Turbo Levo. Yes, I do. I spent my hard earned money on this bike, and I love it. Puts a smile on my face every time I ride it. How did I justify this? After my first ride I was blown away with the technology, the doors it opened and the difficulty I had with arguing against it. Sure... you could call it "drinking the cool-aid" but the experience of riding a Class 1 pedal assist truly makes you quickly realize it opens more doors than it closes.

A mtb with a throttle has no interest to me. I've ridden them and they're trying way too hard to be a moto, which they'll never be. When you ride a class 1, you get a mountain bike experience. Not a moto experience.

Just like Dylan said in this interview: "It’s a different experience going up, but it's still a mountain bike going down." To me, my Levo allows me to ride more trail in less time(which is getting harder to come by it seems, especially after a major knee surgery), it keeps me fresher for the descents(which is 95% why I climb), makes me a faster descender(awesome training tool), it's honestly less impactful on the trail surface IMO(for reasons I could explain), the added weight adds stability (great for beginners) and it makes makes climbing extremely fun. I own a 150 travel non-assisted bike and enjoy riding it just as much my Levo. My choice of which bike I grab largely depends on where I'm riding, how long I have to ride and who I'm riding with(how vocal the other riders are).

Some awesome quotes I've heard after people ride this bike. "It's the first colored television of the mountain bike world". "It's like inward singing... now you're rocking 100% of the time!"(Tenacious D quote)

If you go on long rides(over 20miles, especially with ample vertical) you can't run it at 100% motor output and battery power. Which brings you even closer to the human average. Class 1 pedal assists are not superhuman, they just bring you to an elite level with less effort. Opening doors to beginners, the disabled and athletes alike. It fills the gap between you and world cup'r. Is that cheating? If it is cheating at having fun and enabling people then I guess so...

The people who seem to be most up in arms about this new technology are our most passionate and purist riders. Without them I'm not sure we would have an issue here. The experience of riding one changed my opinion. Don't knock it till you try it, which some people don't seem to have the guts to do as they're afraid of what it might mean. Change is hard... I get it, but sometimes we need to embrace it when the positives out way the negatives. Any equestrian, hiker, dog walker or other non-biker wouldn't be able to notice that these types of bikes are any different than a common "Bio-Ped".

There's a lot to be figured out still from labeling standards, tampering restrictions(which I have no interest in doing as it defeats the purpose in my mind), and land access ordinances. Class 1 is already labeled as a non-motorized vehicle by the DOT and CPSC. Just need more land managers and both city and state entities to adopt the federal definition as well. It's a good thing in my book. Pedal on!
  • 4 5
 a reasonable argument and well put. im with you, theyre not e motos or going to ruin trails. they just open up mtb and the outside to more people. and that can only be a good thing. the more people on mtbs of any kind gives us a big voice when it come to access and rights.
  • 1 1
 You haters should all go back to riding Apollo ten speeds instead of driving your jacked up Tacoma with DH bikes that you have to truck drop or chairlift cause you can't f*cking pedal it,but make sure you drive up and down main st before you go just to make sure everyone see's your rigs hanging off your dekine/Vagina pad and your red bull stickers and pie sized white oakleys before ya go lazy coasting wearing your dorky full face motocross helmets and ski goggles,bra!Ya lazy ass posers.
  • 13 13
 Awesome video but what's the point in shooting a whole segment of just downhill when you are trying to advertise an e-bike. Wouldn't you want to start the film off with them motoring to the top and then at the end have then motor away instead of pedalling? If your going to film an e-bike video atleast show its capabilities
  • 13 9
 Perhaps you are being sarcastic, but in case you are not then I don't think you understand what an e-bike is and isn't. It is NOT a motorcycle and you MUST pedel to get anywhere. This is why they are called 'pedal assist'.
  • 7 8
 Mate, do you even know what an e-bike is? It assists your pedal strokes unlike a motorbike
  • 8 7
 That's precisely the genius of the video, it isn't targeted at the average beginner already about to buy an e-bike, it is targeted at the experienced rider who thinks ebikes are super g** and can't go downhill. I especially like that we are not being talked down to: you wouldn't know those are e-bikes from the video unless you looked carefully and were already familiar with the Levo, no opening/closing speech or interview telling us how they were skeptical but then their minds were blown!
  • 5 0
 Good job not reading the interview there bub.
  • 4 0
 @Mugen: Super g**? I'm confused is this good or bad!?
  • 9 6
 @nprace: does it have a motor? It's a motorcycle. What does it matter that the throttle is controlled by the cranks and not by your wrist? I'm just saying that to me, mountain bikes are 100% human powered.
  • 1 0
 @Mugen: No opening/closing speech or interview?
  • 4 0
 @nprace: 3 euros worth of chinese electronics ordered online from from Shenzhen and 20 minutes and the pedal assist is replaced by a thumb throttle by anyone with the same level of mechanical knowledge requires to change a tire.
  • 1 0
 @Chris-Rawlinson: you know.. he said really super g** man...
  • 7 6
 honestly, if the future technology can make these e-bikes have no difference looking compare to normal bikes, I'm down to buy one. For now, I just cant live with the piggy down tube.
  • 1 1
 Battery technology will be there soon. Non riders cant tell at a glance these are ebikes now. It's happening & the kids of PB comments hate it.
  • 5 1
 fre-E-ride is born. still dont want want but nice vid
  • 4 1
 I guess it's time to move to cyclocross... Wait, they cheat with ebikes too! Oh sh...
  • 6 2
 Nice ad, but bikes still feel so heavy #jumbojet
  • 11 8
 Fun is fun. Doesn't matter how you get there. I still can't believe that people ride bikes up hill in first place.
  • 7 2
  • 2 2
 horses for courses. obviously e-bikes have no place in racing, but if it helps the average rider crush more miles, ride better/safer/longer etc then thats awesome. i only really get chance to ride short periods of time, so max effort over short rides gets me in shape. on a downhill segment, who even cares if it's an e-bike?
  • 1 0
 From where I sit, I don't really have any issue with e bikes do long as they funny create advocacy issues. Would i buy one? No, not allowed to ride one on any of my local trails
  • 5 1
 I miss seeing proper DH bikes on coastal crew videos.
  • 2 0
 I can't wait till someone comes out with a DH ebike. I will grab some popcorn and enjoy the comment section when the sh*t hits the fan.
  • 5 2
 Just going to throw a positive comment in here to try and balance out all the negative ones... sick video!
  • 4 2
 ebikes are like pot. you can hate on it all you like but you will find it enjoyable. but at the end of the day it jsut turns you into a lazy slob.
  • 5 4
 Fully charged battery = fun for some who don't like climbing Dead battery like flogging a dead horse and it will be twice as hard to pedal.
Your choice I made mine long ago.
Suffer its worth it.
  • 4 0
 The coastal dirt bike crew.
  • 4 0
 So, so sad...used to be a fan Frown
  • 3 0
 Now if we could take all this angst and direct it towards them horse people
  • 2 2

mak-man, I'm sorry that you're feeling sick. Just because we don't want Ebikes on our trails doesn't mean we disdain people with disabilities. Poor form, man. WTF?

"Man, you're just one of those f*cking PURIST mountain bikers! You bastard! Building trails and communities, donating to IMBA and STC, pulling over for horsies and hikers, earning your turns, and of course HATING everyone who has a disability as well as bikes with motors, err motorbikes, err Ebikes." Yeah man, that's every one of us for sure.
  • 6 2
 sell out's!!!!! Go get some fucking dirt bikes if you want motors!!!!
  • 2 2
 Too each their own. I personally love working hard for the downhill even though bike parks are super fun also. That said, if someone wants an easier ride let them have it. The more fit you get the faster you climb. Not our job to judge, just do you.
  • 3 0
 Looks like a lot of fun. Riding is meant to be fun. Nuff said. Great vid.
  • 4 0
 Nice work boys! Shoutout to @harookz on some fine filming too.
  • 4 1
 Pink-haters gonna e-hate, this article gets me stoked on the future, nice one boys.
  • 2 0
 I dont understand the hate for them. Id never buy one but no reason to be all up in arms about it. Read the last quote from Dylan, the video was purely experimental.
  • 3 1
 You know what else rolls downhill shit. Shit rolls downhill and pinkbike should be ashamed for running this ad its not a mt. Bike video its an ad and it sucks
  • 2 0
 Paid advertising is one of the three channels of marketing, along with owned advertising and earned advertising, brought to you by Specialized.
  • 2 0
 I wonder if it was intentional that the video starts with them riding through a fresh clearcut to show what true environment damage looks like.
  • 1 1
 I care less about e-bikes than I do about companies pumping out geometry that sucks. As long as those two paths don't cross, I'll be happy. I mean, think about it, what's worse for the community - a bike that helps people get somewhere with lower fitness, or a bike that people dump tons of money into only to find they can't ride it and it ends up in the trash? That's the real enemy here, not e-bikes.
  • 6 6
 I don't understand why folks can't grasp the concept. A bicycle + motor (which puts power into propulsion) = motorcycle, period.

It's not an "e"-mountain bike(cycle)...or "pedal-assist" bike(cycle). it's a motorcycle...period.

If you aren't allowed to ride a motorized anything on your trails, then you aren't allowed to ride an "e-mtb"....or whatever convoluted term you want to coin.

Just because you could, doesn't mean you should.
  • 1 1
 For fuck sake!... Jeezuz! There is always a ball to hit with a stick, or some kind racket to hit a ball over a friggen net, or some kind of ball to kick between two fucken posts or sticks on a beautiful green field.... that really says it all... A bike and a trail! To make a trail in the first place means you have just opened the earth up for eroding, the ecology has been fucked with, but! you can definitely maintain a trail with hard work and dedication, if we want trails to hold up to the demand and give out all of the trials glory, on whatever bike! we can.... we really would do better in sharing in with all manner of the hard labour... that is the labour of trail building and skills that go into it and sharing in the friggen tool time and the ride time for the complete buzz, learning how we all can benefit to recognise what goes into our trails, share in the experience, so our trails can hold up to what is dished out, but we need all support to make this happen, otherwise we look at lame excuses and put out in manifesting another fucken law with rules about what bike you fucken ride.. Working with trails... learning and experiencing how to get it right first go round, then following it up with hard work to follow, and that trail maintenance will always continue..
  • 4 0
 What trail is this?
  • 4 0
 E-Line thanks, i'll be here all week
  • 6 7
 I'm literally stunned at the ignorance and lack of excitement for E-bikes. It's clearly the direction things are going so stop resisting and learn to embrace change. Cause the world is gonna change whether you like it or not. Might as well embrace it.

Plus all of you tards bashing E bikes Have never ridden one. Or a dirt bike for that matter..

Love the analogy: to say a e bike is like a motorcycle is to say removing the engine of a dirt bike makes a DH rig...


Stupid kids are just mad they can't afford an e bike (as I am too :-()
  • 4 1
 It's not much about progress or changes - powered off-road riding started many years ago on motorcycles, everybody who are interested, already tryied or thought about it. If you care about exhaust - there are cool electric motorbikes these days, some closer to MX big bikes, some more looks like DH bicycle. Idea of e-bike is close to exo-skeleton, it increases your power, not moving itself. So are exo-skeletons is future of heavy athletics or hiking? "Maan, with this stuff I can lift a ton! -Wait, I'll put my extra battery and push 2 tons"
  • 3 1
 This is why obesity is an epidemic, some times "technological advancement" is a bad thing
  • 3 1
 Yes, obesity--a decades long public health epidemic--is an epidemic because of an industry that has yet to find any mass audience in the US to date.
  • 4 3
 Them. Riding E-bikes, and still how they shred. That was unexpected for me. Don't want an E-bike for now, maybe in my 50s, sick video nevertheless!
  • 1 0
 ha 50 funny
  • 1 0
 @basalt: Yeah real funny ya lil snapper!
  • 4 2
 Really enjoyed - will be honest didn't realise they were on E-Bikes until the final title slide, good job.
  • 6 5
 Mountain bikes + Motors, not exactly my cup of tea by any means... but come on, when has Coastal Crew come out with bad content?
  • 19 6
  • 1 2
 @RustySaguaro: haha... yeah Frown actually watched after I had posted the comment.
  • 9 6
 E-bike = motored cycle

Long live Aaron chase !
  • 4 0
 Trail looked amazing.
  • 1 0
 Most of my trails are multi use and I could ride one nearly everywhere I wanted too, but they cost 3x more than a good xr400.....
  • 5 2
 CC on mormon bikes? That's not the world I've been fighting for Frown
  • 2 3
 I mean I'll probably own one of these one day. Part of the fleet. I can see some benefit to having a bike for my off days and days where I just want to pack in a ton of trails. It wouldn't be my go to, but more of a supplement to my main rig.
  • 1 1
 I think I remember that I somewhere read in the past that the coastal crew will only ride 26" whatever will happen, but that was some time ago, then there was 27,5" and now there are ebikes.
  • 1 1
 well done, now everybody knows that most of you don't like e-bikes. congratulations, you achieved nothing at all. Invest time in riding bikes, no arguing on the internet. see you guys on the trails!
  • 7 4
 E-Biks and Bad Music... Way to go. No wonder Norbs left.
  • 2 3
 What about the ETHIC of the sport?

Mountain biking is a SPORT, unless you shuttle trails or ride a bike park, you gotta earn your turns ....
There is something wrong with the world we live in.

Kick me in the balls madly if you ever see me riding an e-mountain bike. I'll be pissed off if any of my friends buy one someday.

Good shredding boys though, can't deny it.
  • 5 1
 I love my road bike, I love my MTB even more. I love the trainer in the winter and knowing that I have worked for my fitness and my riding. However - an eMTB could be an amazing tool. There are downs on my trails that I'm not going to ride up and down ten times during a ride to do it better and better - no matter how fit I am, still have to make it to the trail head. With an eBIKE you can do that.
  • 2 0
 I am bummed man, I spent all my cash on 26" ebikes and now they aren't compatible with the newer 29" wheel size!!!!
  • 2 0
 Had a specialized sticker on my CR250 for a while I guess that could be a meme now.
  • 2 0
 These "bikes" are fitting perfectly in the landscape of the beginning. -Industrialized dead world!
  • 3 1
 Never wanted the ability to downvote a Pinkbike post until the ebike movement started getting coverage.
  • 7 3
 Coastal Crew: Sell'n out
  • 3 4
 What is it with all the hate?! Surely e bikes aren't my cup of tea yet. But never say never!
What makes you people so rageous about? You still have a choice, don't you?! If you don't like it, just stay the hell away from them. But don't judge or hate on people who like to ride them. That world full of hateress makes me sick!!
  • 1 1
 Calm down everyone and just let people do what they want. I'll be fine with not buying one too, but this is their livelihood and Specialized deserves a plug now and again for keeping this show on the road.
  • 1 0
 my wife has one its very cool I've been riding with my son to school ,then on the way home hitting some trails its a great bike.
  • 3 2
 a href="" rel="nofollow">>
  • 7 9
 Riding an eBike is just as fun as riding a normal mountain bike. Sometimes it's actually more fun, especially climbing steep technical stuff. They don't damage the trail more than normal bikes and they share more similarities with mountain bikes than Motocross or EXC's, whilst offering kind of a new experience too.They can be as tiring to ride as any other bike with a motor or without, it's more about how you ride than what you ride and you cover way more distance on a eBike. Nothing to get upset about, just another possibility to make this fucked up world slightly more enjoyable. Sick video and photos by the way, although I prefer the way Haibikes handle, and the Bosch or Yamaha motors are both better than the Brose in the Levo.
  • 2 0
 An S-works EBike is like a Ferrari tug boat
  • 7 9
 Soon enough we will see a proper DH e-bike - easy to market to people who don't have lift/shuttle access.
Just imagine one of these things with 200mm travel front and back... should see some interesting freeride videos with them then!
  • 7 4
  • 1 0
 Freeride videos like this Smile
  • 1 0
 @SonofBovril: not something I personally agree with but, you pays yer monies...
  • 1 0
 They aren't riding fat bikes so why does specialises only offer fat bikes for e bikes?
  • 1 0
 It's the exact same bike, the Levo 6fattie, they just put narrower tires on it.
  • 2 0
 All that timber made those dudes look TINY
  • 3 1
 Now that was an electrifying video.
  • 3 1
 There is money in e-bikes.
  • 8 1
 and in the banana stand
  • 5 3
 ebike bad...Dirt bike good...nuff said
  • 2 0
 man i want a dirt bike now
  • 5 7
 Amazing amounts of negativity. Not surprised to read that outside of pinkbike this is not reflected. Everyone I see when I ride my levo wants one! If you don't want one then don't buy one. Just don't try one or you might end up having a lot of fun!
  • 1 1
 I found one!
  • 8 10
 Have an open mind and be reasonable people.

Firstly try one and you will realize the they are definitely not a motorcycle. You're gonna pedal and you're gonna sweat. You're not going to go much faster than you usually do going UP but you will go further and gain more vertical with less effort. You will descend at the same speed as you would on a trail bike.
If you're into bikes your going to like riding one. It's different for sure but it's damn fun.
The impact on a trail is the same as any long travel trail/ DH / CC skinny tire bike.

The flip side is that, clearly, they have a major PR problem. The negative perception is undeniable. Once people realize it's an -bike then it's the devil. Most don't tough.
You have to be reasonable. If you riding area is patrolled and has lots of hikers that are Sierra Club members then you should likely not ride an e-bike.
If your riding area (like mine) is a bunch of fire roads where all single track is illegal anyway and everybody poaches (while the rangers tune a blind eye) then I think cautious use is o.k.

Differentiating between a PEDAL ASSIST bike and an E-motorbike is going to be a challenge.

Rules are already in place though in the US. In America a class 1 e-bike like the LEVO is limited to a motor powered speed of 20 mph with motor wattage of = 750 watts. This makes is legal to ride where regular bikes are able to ride.

Don't just hate on what you don't know/ haven't tried/ can't afford....which I know pretty much sums up the comment section of PB for the most part.
  • 6 0
 What is the difference between an ebike and some of the soon to be production e-motos? Pedals? What's to prevent someone from slapping on some useless pedals on an e-moto capable of going 100mph and calling it an ebike? Ebikes are going to be the death of trail access for sure.
  • 6 0
 @jsmbythebay: Agreed. When you go mountain biking there is nobody at each entrance checking bikes to make sure they comply with the 750W + 20mph rule - so what' to stop a 2KW, 4KW bike....nothing. Until someone gets taken out by one...then it will be bye bye ALL bikes.
  • 2 3
 @StackingItSince1991: what to stop someone on a mx bike riding the trail? my mate has a 4kw ebike, it looks completely different to a peddle assist bike. and to be honest you wouldnt want to ride it on mtb trials, it weighs a ton. another mate does have a peddle assist bike, as he was in an accident riding to work and now cant ride a conventional bike as has a shorter leg and minimal movement of his ankle. should be be banned from riding his bike cos some dick in a car ran him over? so as well as having a life changing disability he should also stop doing the thing he loves?
  • 2 4
 That vid was pathetic. Actually I didn't even watch it because Pinkbike vids are blocked at my school. That's what's pathetic. I think that e-bikes have their place. It's not here. Kind a weird though, I really hate them, but I also kinda want one, just because. Weird.
  • 4 1
 Alright, whatched it now. I don't get it, the majority of their riding is down hill. What's the point of a pedal assist e-bike if you aren't pedaling it? Maybe the extra weight makes it more stable off the jumps? Anyone in the right mind would use a real bike if they were filming. So they must have gotten payed a lot of money to start this argument on Pinkbike and we all fell for it.
  • 1 1
 @Joegrant: It's not an argument, it's a choice. Pick a bike and be a dick about it
  • 1 3
 I respect the costal crew, E-MTBs make a lot of sense to my (my girlfriend has one and it allows us to have a ton of fun riding trails together by leveling our fitness) but that BIGOTRY IS JUST SAD, DYLAN.
"we do not allow them (E-MTBers) to climb up rather than use the shuttle. It is just not safe to have vehicle and bicycle traffic operating on the same road." It's not safe to have cars and some EBikers sharing a forest road? Riding in the same direction? What a lame excuse, it's what riders do everywhere in the world whether it be in the forests or in the cities. with that argument forestry could kick us out of every area we don't own ourselves.

In fact, it shows that the coastal crew is just as worried as everyone else about E-MTBing having a huge impact on trail access, raising the need for trail maintenance (also in their park...) and undermining the acceptance of MTBers among hikers because the numbers of riders on trails will multiply and not all people need to earn their spurs and meters of trails any more the way it used to be.
  • 5 0
 to be fair, the coast gravity park shuttle road is steep & narrow, with a couple trucks constantly looping up & down. adding bikes (of any sort) really isn't feasible.
  • 4 1
 Aaaaarrkkkkk , saddnest
  • 2 1
 What's this trail called? I'm heading up this way this summer and would love to check it out. Cheers.
  • 2 0
 E-Line thanks, i'll be here all week
  • 4 1
 Vraiment triste
  • 3 1
 Too bad they had to chop down that forest to power those e-bikes.
  • 4 2
 Garbage. Unless you are elderly or disabled you don't need these things.
  • 1 1
 I say bring your electric motor bike to Moab and push out all the loud motorheads. But, keep it off the mountain bike trails or it's going to fly!
  • 1 0
 lol - this is freakin hilarious !!!! .. you comment guys make me chuckle ALOT!!.. flame on dudes lol ..
  • 1 0
 Looks like fun but if I'm buying a motorized bike it'd better have enough power to wheelie off a drop and roost corners.
  • 2 0
 How does that S shaped boner even fit in your...
  • 4 1
 E-moped video Frown
  • 1 0
 This video helped me with my constipation problems... it's all diarrhea now... Thanks E-bikes!
  • 1 0
 Demo'd one and bought one. What an absolute blast. I get 3x the amount of gravity in the same amount of time.
  • 3 3
 I would probably sell out also if the money was good. Support your family and ride e bikes once a year.
  • 1 0
 Don't care for e-bikes, that trail is super sick though!
  • 2 3
 But Chairlifts and Truckdropping/shuttling is cool,f*ck you,I'll ride my levo any f*ckin where I please.Try and stop me.No one has yet.Bunch of keyboard posers.
  • 5 3
 Are we skeptical ...
  • 24 3
 ... Or de we just dislike the idea of electric powered 'push bikes'?
  • 4 3
 can't say I noticed it first time watching it.. props to the Crew as per
  • 2 2
 Unreal trails these guys are so lucky ..... dream life !! The song was kinda weird tho
  • 4 3
 yep, im in the 0.01% that actually liked this...
  • 15 15
 Love my Levo! as do the dozen friends of mine that weren't even mountain bikers until I got them hooked on Levo's! Troy
  • 2 3
 Sorry I meant this link. An old video depicting when skiers talked about snowboarders in 85.
  • 2 1
 I wish I had a 1/3 of there riding skills
  • 4 3
 Love the Coastal Crew... Hate electric bikes. Smh
  • 2 1
 My entire outlook regarding ebikes is being shaped by these comments.
  • 3 2
 OMG. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Oh wait, e-bikes?! So conflicted right now.
  • 3 1
 Victims of the industry.
  • 4 3
 Freeride is officially dead. Now it's called E-ride.
  • 1 0
 Nice one.
  • 1 0
 not sure what there actually using the e for in this edit but whatever ...
  • 2 0
 That escalated quickly.
  • 3 6
 haha love some of these comments. thought it would be a hell storm of negative comments on here when i saw the vid on facebook. i do love how knee jerk everyone is towards ebikes. has anyone actually had any real issues caused by ebikes riding trails? do you all hate people who cant ride a normal mtb that much you think they should stay at home rather than get out on a their peddle assist bikes?
if people who own land with trails on that done want ebikes on they can stop them, like they stop motorbikes. those that are a bit more open minded and realise they wont cause any issues will let them on. its not a hard thing to understand.

oh and while we are talking about it, how many people who are bitching about ebikes on their trails, have ridden their bike where they shouldnt have. pretty sure most of you will have ridden a cheeky footpath or built a secret trail where you shouldnt really build.

oh and those saying peddle assist are just like electric motos, maybe if you compare one of the ebikes with the ktm efreeride you might notice one or two differences lol.
  • 1 1
 oh and giving neg props without arguing your point are the actions of the ignorant and stupid. disagree with me by all means, but make a point, dont just hate lol.
  • 4 2
 Meh... E Moped.
  • 2 1
 I'm sure - in a couple of years, all will be riding one.
  • 1 0
 Internet warriors, to arms!
  • 4 4
 The only thing I'm skeptical about is that terrible music.
  • 13 14
 Haters gonna hate! It blows my mind that people can't just watch a video and be stoked on the shredding. OPEN YOUR MINDS.
  • 5 3
  • 4 5
 E bike or not, hands down the most flow in an edit in a long time! Sick trail, and even better riding!!
  • 2 4
 watched this like 5 times now cant get enough of the epic tune and pure steeze on the e-bikes by dylan and his pal. #nodontwantanebike #niceeffortthough #26"wheelsforlife
  • 1 0
 Pinky bike.
  • 2 1
 Ebikes rule.
  • 1 1
 Im glad to see that twister survived the recent logging activity.
  • 1 1
 Where is that trail? :o
  • 4 4
 Ehaibike best ebike
  • 2 3
 I'd try one but I'm afraid I might like it.
  • 8 9
 Love E Bikes! Love this video!
  • 1 4
  • 1 4
 Whatever your take on e-bikes.. that was a cinematic masterpiece!
  • 11 14
  • 11 6
 And your pussy
  • 2 2
 @torero: Oh shit. Laughing so hard right now.
  • 5 3
 @torero: Hay, you leave my cat (called Matt damonnnnnn) out of this!
  • 4 5
 haters goin to hate
  • 3 0
 @Harverto: Should have named it "Catt Damon"
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