Betula ermanii 'Blush' Betulaceae

Wide shrub to average-sized tree with a wide pyramidal crown. Because of its width and the fairly low starting branching, it is a tree that requires space. Often mistaken for B. costata due to its large resemblance, but is however, a variety of B. ermanii. The white bark often has a red hue, which explains the cultivar name of 'Blush'. Because of this very nice colour of the stem it is a beautiful park tree, which is worthwhile planting, both as a solitary and in groups. The leaf is strong and has a double-toothed margin. It is bigger than of the B. ermanii 'Holland', the autumn colour is strikingly yellow. The tree is shallow rooting with a delicate root system and many fibrous rootlets. Susceptible to (sea) wind.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from ноября 2024.
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10 - 15 m
wide pyramidal, half-open crown
Кора и ветви
white bark with red hue
narrow ovoid with acute top, dark green, 9 - 11 cm
Осенний окрас
catkins, yellow green, ♀ single and erect, ♂ 4 - 6 cm, April
ovoid fruiting catkins, 2 - 3 cm long
неядовитый, обычно
Вид почвы
few requirements, tolerates rather moist soil
неустойчив к мощению
Зона зимостойкости
4 (-34,4 до -28,9 °C)
Устойчивость к ветру
Прочие виды устойчивости
устойчив к морозам, зона 1 - 6
Дерево-среда обитания для животных
притягивает бабочек
кашпо для деревьев, сады на крыше
штамбовое дерево, многоствольное дерево
Dutch selection
Betula costata HORT
штамбовое дерево многоствольное дерево кислые почвы известковые почвы суглинок бедные почвы торфяные почвы песчаные почвы неустойчив к мощению светолюбивый устойчив к морозам (зона 1 - 6) широкая конусообразная форма 1 высота: более 12 метров крона средней плотности зеленый желто-зеленый рано распускаются листья среднерастущий Декоративная кора привлекательный осенний окрас притягивает бабочек неядовитый (обычно)
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Betula ermanii 'Blush'

Betula ermanii 'Blush' can eventually reach a height of 10 - 15 m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Betula ermanii 'Blush' is среднерастущий and can eventually reach a height of 10 - 15 m, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The leaves of Betula ermanii 'Blush' turn желтый in autumn.

The right time to plant Betula ermanii 'Blush' is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Betula ermanii 'Blush' with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.

Betula ermanii 'Blush' blooms in апрель.